Home פורומים הפורומים Forum: תהליך הקבלה ארכיון 1: שאל את ארינגו: תהליך הקבלה מענה ל־ארכיון 1: שאל את ארינגו: תהליך הקבלה

מספר הפוסטים: 141

To: Gilam

Isnt that a city in Italy?

Another possibility would be from the word Harangue which means: to address, to lecture or as described below:

c.1450, Scottish arang (in Eng. from c.1600), from M.Fr. harangue, from It. aringo "public square, platform," from Goth. *hriggs (pronounced "hrings"), from P.Gmc. *ring "circular gathering." The first -a- inserted to ease Romance pronunciation of Gmc. hr- (cf. color=#0000ffhamper (n.)).