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מספר הפוסטים: 1368

To: Flower Girl

Dear Gilam,

I am interested in pursuing an MBA in the future, and wanted to consult with you.
Here is some background:
  • I am 23, just starting my fourth (and last) year studying Electricity and Electric Engineering and Computers at Tel Aviv University (one of 4 girls of 50 students in the faculty).
  • Both my parents are from the Computer and Telecommunication fields.
  • I grew up (ages 3-9) at Philadelphia, PA. My father worked as a Professor at a local university (not Penn) and also as a project manager at NASA.
  • Finished my matriculation exams with excellence, and received a letter of recognition from the Minister of Education stating I graduated with one the highest averages in the country.
  • Throughout high-school I participated in a program for excellent students supported by Bar-Ilan University, where I completed my Math Bagrut (2 years early with special permission from the Ministry of Education), and started studying courses towards my first degree being 16.
  • Volunteered for National Service for 2 years in the computer field at the Ministry of Defense.
  • Currently working as a software developer at a blue-chip company (accumulating to 5 years experience upon graduation).
  • I'll be relocating to the US for several years upon my graduation (I hold a green-card)
  • I estimate I can score a GMAT of 700+
  • My current GPA is ~82

I'd like to ask you the following:

  1. Which Top-10 schools do you estimate I might be competitive at? Which areas should I strengthen if applying in 3-5 years?

My impression, assuming strong essays and recommendations and a GMAT of 700, is that you will likely be competitive at Wharton, Kellogg and Columbia. At Stanford and Harvard you will possibly be between competitive and stretch (possibly competitive at Stanford, and possibly competitive at HBS if you accumulate significant leadership experience/achievements by the time you apply).
For the coming 3-5 years, it will probably be a good idea to further enhance your leadership/ management experience and achievements.

  1. What significance do you see for further volunteer activity during the last year of my degree (partial scholarship included), bearing in mind I already have 2 years of volunteering?

Assuming that this activity will not add to your management/leadership experience, I believe that the signfinicance is low to very low (though not zero).

  1. What would be the impact of an improvement of my GPA to ~85? This will demand intense efforts during my last year, which may affect extra curricular activity and/or promotions at my workplace.

If this improvement will bring you a "hike" of 5 or more percentage points in class ranking (for example, from top 20% to top 15%), and under the assumption that you are applying in 3-5 years from now (which leaves quite some room for work achievements and promotions), I believe that the impact is significant. If the improvement will bring you to graduate with distinction, I believe that the impact is very significant.

Thanks so much for your help,

Sure. Good luck!