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מספר הפוסטים: 50



IMHO, when serving as a soldier at a combat unit or any other non-leading role the effect is quite small (unless u are at a very special unit which u r able to rave about and is comparable to an elite US unit).

As with every thing one is able to squeeze the juice out of even the simplest military service and portray it in a most shining light.

I think one must remember the lack of mandatory army service which the americans have(it sounds like something bad) so such a service at another country by an international applicant might appeal to the Adcom as something different.

Another thing is that as a commander incharge of 30 – 40 soldiers the picture changes. for example an officer serving at a backwards unit (non combative) which has a 200k$ budget to handle is quite different. the same goes for roles which have high decision making capabilities and include planning and excecuting orders of high caliber.