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מספר הפוסטים: 159

To: shimonh

And about ROI:

rlg196: What is the return on investment of most business schools?
LouisBW: This is a really interesting question. This year, BusinessWeek did something we haven't done for a number of years. We determined just how long it will take grads of each school to recoup the investment they've made in their mba…
LouisBW: We tallied up all the costs–tuition and fees, forgone salary, etc.–and looked at the salary bump that grads can expect when they graduate. What we found was really interesting…
LouisBW: The mid-tier schools like Wisconsin, Notre Dame, and Rochester did very well in this analysis…you can recoup your investment in five years or less…
LouisBW: The top ranked schools like MIT, Stanford, Harvard, and Wharton all did pretty poorly–you're looking at 12 to 15 years before you break even…
LouisBW: That's not to say the top ranked schools are a bad deal…they're not. It's just that students come to those programs making a lot of money, so the salary bump is smaller, and the costs are higher, so it will take you longer to recoup your investment.