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Assaf Wand
מספר הפוסטים: 209

To: All

Corporate recruiters rated Chicago GSB graduates hands-down favorites in the biennial Business Week rankings of MBA programs, released Oct. 7. They praised the school s capacity for shaping students thinking.

Overall, Chicago GSB was #2 in the Business Week ratings. In another recent poll by the The Economist Intelligence Unit the GSB's career services earned #1 ratings from students.

The Chicago GSB is:• First business school to have a Nobel laureate on its faculty George Stigler, 1982

• only business school to have had six Nobel Prize winners: Stigler; Merton Miller, 1990; Ronald Coase, 1991; Gary Becker, 1992; Robert Fogel, 1993; and Myron Scholes, 1997.

Associate Director of Admissions, Mrs. Kristen Pawlowski and Chicago GSB’s Israeli students would love to invite you to attend an online Chat on Monday, Oct. 25 at 19:00

For any questions feel free to contact me

Assaf Wand
of Chicago Graduate School of Business
MBA Class of 2005
312 909-9967 Mobile
773 857-5851 Home