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Paula – NYU
מספר הפוסטים: 18

In reply to dani from October 27 2003

Shalom Daniella,

We will respond to each of your questions:

1. You can certainly write about a variety of topics. Please demonstrate how it affected you personally. There are many different ways and topics that you can choose.

2. Stern will place you into groups of 3-5 people with people from different professional, geographical, educational backgrounds. Shelley: It is one of the best things about my experience- I have met people from all over the world that I would not have met otherwise including Pakistan, China, Russia, Brazil, etc.

3. You can have recommenders submit after October 31. Please make sure they are using our full time website for the online recommendations system.

4. Many scholarships are available!!! We do not look at your financial background as part of your admissions review.

Best of luck!

Paula and Shelley
