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מספר הפוסטים: 3

Hi all,

I have been to the embassy. Here is a "shopping list" I hope you find

1. Try to get there at 7:30; later on there is a really long line.

2. Your photo should be 5cmX5cm and with white background, stapled to
the DS-156 page, not on the face.

3. Women need to fill the DS-156 and the DS-158; men need to fill the
DS-157 in addition. All documents can be downloaded from the site at
face=Miriam Fixed color=#0000ffhttp://usembassy-israel.org.il/publish/noniv.htm (scroll down a

*** They don't let you carry cell phones and handhelds to the room
so if you plan to fill the forms at the embassy bring a piece of
paper with all the information you need.

4. You need to pay 500 shekels per applicant at "Bank HaDoar" before
you arrive at the embassy. They have the necessary form; you can pay
with cash only. The list of branches that offer this service is
provided at
face=Miriam Fixed color=#0000ffhttp://www.postil.com/unitinfouser.nsf/All/EE2A181382F8B54D42256D20003

5. For the married ones, bring a copy of your marriage certificate. I
don't know why, I was asked to do so.

6. For all, bring a copy of the letter from the bank that you
provided for your I-20 form. The clerk at the embassy said this may
help prevent an interview invitation.

7. If you are planning to send your furniture, make a copy of your
passport before going to the embassy, cause they hold on to your
passport for a while.

8. If you can, try to bring any letter proving your connection to
Israel: letter proving you have a property here, letter from a
company planning to employ you upon return etc. It is not necessary
but may help prevent an interview invitation.

Good luck,
Roni Karassik