Home פורומים הפורומים Forum: תהליך הקבלה ארכיון: התקבלת? אנא עדכן

מוצגות 50 תגובות – 1 עד 50 (מתוך 979 סה״כ)
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  • TheDoc
    מספר הפוסטים: 4

    Will appreciate it if people who got in will give us all a little update.

    We have heared of four who got into Wharon first round. Did anyone get a positive from Duke or Cornell?

    מספר הפוסטים: 201

    In reply to TheDoc from December 23 2003 on 10:08

    I got an offer from Darden (Virginia). Still waiting for MIT (round 1) and other schools (round 2).

    מספר הפוסטים: 17

    In reply to kassifo from December 26 2003 on 17:18

    kassifo, I'd like to ask you about your addmission, could you please email me at [email protected] or leave your email address here?


    מספר הפוסטים: 3

    ובכן, מאוד אשמח אם מי שקיבל מילגה יעדכן את החבר'ה כאן (מי הגורם שנתן המילגה, על סמך מה) כך שנדע על מלגות שקיימות. זה מאוד מאוד יעזור.

    תודה לכם.

    מספר הפוסטים: 69

    I was accepted to Duke, Dartmouth and Cornell in the first round.

    I also applied to Chicago GSB and Carnegie-Mellon in that round, but those schools had not released their answers yet (Chicago will do so by January 23rd and CMU by January 31st).

    מספר הפוסטים: 213

    In reply to msarfaty from January 11 2004 on 11:40

    Rich mens trouble… Well Done, which school do you prefer??

    Mind sharing your stats?

    מספר הפוסטים: 69

    In reply to gbiron from January 11 2004 on 15:11

    Initially, my #1 choice was Tuck. Since I'm not going alone, but with my girlfriend (who is interested in an LL.M., while Dartmouth doesn't have a law school), I had to give up this school.

    If I get a positive reply from Chicago, I guess the choice will be between Chicago and Duke. Yet, I don't want to jump ahead of myself, and I leave those thought to when I will have all the results.

    As for my stats:

    I have a BA degree in Computer Science and Economics from Tel Aviv University. My GPA is 82.

    I have been working as a QA Engineer for a small software start-up company for the last 1.5 years. Before that I was a security officer in NATBAG (with periodical re-enforcements at Israeli embassies abroad), for the whole duration of my studies (4 years). Before that I was in the army – I was an officer (Platoon Leader) in an armored infantry unit (HERMESH). All in all, not a very impressive resume, but I managed to get the most out of it.

    GMAT: 760. TOEFL: 293


    P.S. – are you related to Ziv Biron from Wharton?

    מספר הפוסטים: 213

    In reply to msarfaty from January 11 2004 on 15:23

    Great GMAT…

    Good luck with Chicago maybe I'll see you there…

    No relation to Ziv Biron, although I talked to him a few times…

    מספר הפוסטים: 69

    In reply to gbiron from January 11 2004 on 15:36

    I gather that you applied to Chicago as well.

    Where did you have your interview? Do you have any idea how many other Israelis applied this round (I know of two other than me)?

    מספר הפוסטים: 39

    In reply to gbiron from January 11 2004 on 15:36

    Hey, did you get into GSB? I also got in and I know of another Israeli who got in today…

    מספר הפוסטים: 213

    In reply to mbawannabe from January 11 2004 on 17:06

    I am a Round 2 applicant, only started my wait…

    I was interviewed by the phone..

    If two already got in its narrow's the odd's because two my knowledge the current class has only 2-3 Israeli's (although I heard this years class is supposed to be bigger due to the recent visit of Don Martin)

    מספר הפוסטים: 213

    In reply to mbawannabe from January 11 2004 on 17:06

    by the way do you mind telling us about yourself (stats etc…) and your friend..

    Well done with the acceptance, is this your top school?

    מספר הפוסטים: 39

    class of 2005, 4 Israelis got in and 3 decided to go.

    class of 2004 6 Israelis got in and I think 2 decided to go.

    And I do believe that this year more will get in, since I think that Assaf and the other guys there are really lobbying for us Israelis. Plus Don Martin actually came here… this shows he has interest in our little country.

    Assaf, correct me if my assumption is wrong…

    מספר הפוסטים: 39

    730 GMAT, 88 GPA from Tel Aviv University. Served in the Air Force and work as a consultant for the past two years.

    I really don't think it's my place to give you the details of the other guy. He reads this forum, so if he wants to he'll do it…

    מספר הפוסטים: 213

    In reply to mbawannabe from January 11 2004 on 17:28

    No problem, Well Done again…

    מספר הפוסטים: 25

    I am the other guy that got into the GSB.

    Was also admitted to CBS. As my wife will be interviewing for medical residency positions in the US (NYC + NJ + Chicago), it will be up to her to decide where we go.

    I have already visited the CBS + GSB twice, and having a very hard time choosing between these two great schools (with a slight favour towards the GSB). I think I would fit better in the GSB (the most amazing students I have seen, and I visited lot's of schools), but as a family man, it is not my only concern.

    Ex-lawyer. Political Ex. 710. 293. 3.3. Reapplicant (waitlisted R2). It is all about the essays.

    מספר הפוסטים: 36

    In reply to s2004 from January 11 2004 on 20:56

    which GSB do you refer to?

    מספר הפוסטים: 25

    Chicago GSB.

    מספר הפוסטים: 43

    In reply to s2004 from January 11 2004 on 20:56

    When did you apply (Chicago/CBS) , when were you interviewed and when were you accepted


    If you don't mind me asking…


    מספר הפוסטים: 25

    In reply to eshinar from January 11 2004 on 22:25

    CBS: applied 21/9 ED; admitted 3/12. interviewed last year (reapplicant).

    Chicago GSB: applied: early October; interviewed: early September (on campus); admitted: 11/1 (call from the Don). reapplicant (WL R2).

    מספר הפוסטים: 43

    In reply to s2004 from January 11 2004 on 22:30

    Congrats to all new Israeli MBAs!

    מספר הפוסטים: 213

    Really quiet here these days…

    THe conclusion so far (as far as I know at least):

    Wharton: 3 accepted 1 wailist

    Chicago: 2 accepted

    CBS: 2 accepted

    Cornell: 1 accepted

    Darden: 1 accepted

    Dartmouth: 1 accepted

    Duke: 1 accepted

    all in all we are talking about something like 6 or 7 people (accepted to a few places each).

    Job Well Done

    מספר הפוסטים: 36

    In reply to gbiron from January 14 2004 on 09:44

    עוד רשימת המתנה בוורטון ואחרי ראיון בסטנפורד

    מספר הפוסטים: 36

    עוד רשימת המתנה בוורטון… ראיון בHBS…

    מה האיימיל שלך?

    מספר הפוסטים: 5

    In reply to yuvala from January 14 2004 on 10:54

    can you write in short about your profile


    מספר הפוסטים: 36

    In reply to nirblabla from January 14 2004 on 15:00

    Gmat 740

    מ"פ בשריון

    לימודים משפטים (אחוזון גבוה)

    עבודה בייעוץ (שנתיים אחרי הלימודים)

    פעילות חוץ אקדמאית מכובדת

    הערה: לכל מי ששואל מנומס לספר

    מספר הפוסטים: 69

    Hi Everybody,

    Just got a phone call from Don Martin from Chicago, and I made it in.

    BTW – 2 Israelis were admitted to Duke this round (not 1).


    מספר הפוסטים: 54

    In reply to Moshe: CONGRATS !!!
    מספר הפוסטים: 213

    In reply to msarfaty from January 14 2004 on 16:08

    שיחקת אותה, מקווה שניפגש שם…

    מספר הפוסטים: 69

    In reply to gbiron from January 14 2004 on 17:10


    האמת היא שכבר השלמתי עם זה שלא התקבלתי כי שני ישראלים קיבלו (בהפרש של כמה דקות) את ההודעה ביום ראשון, אז חשבתי ששיקגו סיימו להודיע למי שהיה להם להודיע.

    עכשיו צריך לשבת ולהחליט לאן באמת ללכת….

    אתה בסיבוב השני נכון? מה עם ראיון?

    מספר הפוסטים: 213

    In reply to msarfaty from January 14 2004 on 17:12

    אכן ניגש לסיבוב שני.

    התראיינתי בטלפון בתחילת דצמבר, ראיון מאוד נעים וכללי.

    יש לי עוד חודשיים של המתנה לפחות ולא נראה לי שיהיה קל (לא ההמתנה ולא סיכוי הקבלה).

    אגב, לא ששאלת אותי ועל אף שזה לא לטובתי, אני חושב שאי אפשר להשוות בין שיקאגו לדיוק (למרות ששתיהן אוניברסיטאות מכובדות מאוד וגם אם משקללים את מזג האויר הקשה בשיקאגו).

    ולמי שלא הבין: שיקאגו – בלי ספק.

    מספר הפוסטים: 213

    In reply to dz108 from January 14 2004 on 17:28

    sent you an email…


    מספר הפוסטים: 19

    In reply to gbiron from January 14 2004 on 17:19

    and how would you rank U of Chicago vs. LBS?

    Assaf Wand
    מספר הפוסטים: 209

    Hi Moshe,

    Congrats, I think there is still chance for 1-2 Israelis to be admitted in the first round in Chicago and that it isn't over yet (we are working hard on the Don front)

    Secondly, Chicago DOES NOT have such a bad weather (not that it is great either) it is not very different from the East Coast – if you do not believe me just look at weather.com

    The Phrase Windy City- is because of the politcal confrences that were held in town and each time elected a different candidate


    מספר הפוסטים: 52

    In reply to gbiron from January 14 2004 on 17:35

    didn't get it. please resend…. I changed some settings… :-)

    [email protected]

    מספר הפוסטים: 213

    In reply to Wangot from January 14 2004 on 18:02

    Good one, regarding the fact that I applied to both.

    I'll take the easy way out, the one that I get accepted too I'll attend…

    Now a bit more seriously, to my knowledge both programs are excellent Finance oriented program. Chicago has the advantage of choosing your own curriculum which is great; London has the second year project and shadowing project which are very unique.

    I think the answer relies mostly on your aim, if you aim at working in Europe, learn in Europe and in LBS (which is the best 2 year program there is in Europe) and vise versa regarding Chicago.

    Furthermore, I think that to Israeli's (or at least to me) Chicago's main disadvantage is its distance from Israel. In London you can take quick breaks in Israel which is virtually impossible in Chicago. Another factor is the weather…

    London's main problem is its high cost of living (especially nowadays with the pound sky rocketing) which makes it really hard to return the loan if you are thinking of returning to Israel in a few years.

    All that said (Don, David are you listening???) I would consider myself very lucky to be accepted to any of these great programs any would sign up immediately.

    P.S. – if you are still asking what I'll do if I get accepted to both, it's like the joke with the movie about the generous Persian – science fiction… (It's funnier in Hebrew).


    מספר הפוסטים: 201

    In reply to gbiron from January 14 2004 on 09:44

    There are 4 of us going (so far) to Darden: 2 were differed last year and 2 of us got in the first round.

    <SCRIPT language=javascript>postamble();

    מספר הפוסטים: 69

    In reply to Assaf Wand from January 14 2004 on 18:04

    Hi Assaf,

    Thanks for responding so fast.

    As I wrote, I almost gave up on Chicago because I thought that the admitted students got their replies on Sunday and that that was it for this round. Don's call really surprised me.

    The weather is not a factor in my decision. Much more crucial is the study prospects for my girlfriend. She is interested in doing an LL.M. . Although the University of Chicago is out of her scope, Northwestern is a posibility. Same goes for Duke – Both law schools are definetily in her reach and my decision is subjected to this consideration more than to anything else, really.

    Correct me if I am wrong – I understand that there are currently 3 Israelis in the first year. How many do you think will be accepted this year (3 already had been accepted, and this is just the first round)?


    Assaf Wand
    מספר הפוסטים: 209

    Hi Moshe,

    Firstly, why is Chicago law school not a possibility for her?

    secondly, there are other good universities in Chicago- Loyola and DePaul for instance as well as University of Illinois

    Thirdly, I have no idea but we are hoping for ~6-7 admitted students

    and yes we are currently 3 Israelis in the 1st year

    Lastly, there is a huge question regarding jobs- where is the place that would help you land your dream job- Chicago is very but VERY strong in the job market in particular in the Consulting and I banking side and I think this is a huge factor

    send me an email for more specific questions and also I informed Einat on your admittance

    well done


    מספר הפוסטים: 213

    In reply to Assaf Wand from January 14 2004 on 19:01


    Save me one of those places…

    Assaf Wand
    מספר הפוסטים: 209

    Just looked at the face book and noticed that a 4th Israeli has entered the school

    Good job by all- we are on our way to break a all time record

    so far 4 Israelis admitted to the GSB


    מספר הפוסטים: 152

    In reply to gbiron from January 14 2004 on 17:19

    With all due respect, what are you basing your conclusion on?

    I would agree that if one is interested in a finance career than Chicago should be a natural choice, although Duke's finance group is very strong and the career opprtunities are abundant. For any other career path, Duke has a better reputation as well as hiring stats than Chicago.

    If you add the fact that Duke is considered an ivy league school as well as the cost of living, I would come to an opposite conclusion.

    Think about it and go through the hiring statistics for each school…

    Assaf Wand
    מספר הפוסטים: 209

    Hi Dani,

    I usually do not like to get into the "who has it bigger" but I will pick up the gloves now:

    I looked at the Business Week survey at the placement tables and here is what I found:
    Chicago GSB:

    Firm Graduates Hired
    1. Merrill Lynch 22
    2. McKinsey & Company 14
    3. Goldman, Sachs & Co 12
    4. A.T. Kearney, Inc. 11
    5. Credit Suisse First Boston Corp. 11
    6. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. 11
    7. Citigroup/Salomon Smith Barney 10
    8. Bear, Stearns & Co. 9
    9. Lehman Brothers 9
    10. Morgan Stanley 9
    11. American Electric Power 8
    12. The Boston Consulting Group 8
    13. Bain & Company 7
    14. Deutsche Bank 7
    15. Banc of America Securities; Kraft Foods; UBS Warburg 6
    I added companies that hired 4 people:

    Abbott Labs 4 Booz•Allen & Hamilton, Inc. 4 Citigroup 4 Deloitte Consulting 4


    Firm Graduates Hired
    1. Johnson & Johnson 11
    2. Merrill Lynch 8
    3. Lehman Brothers 6
    4. Proctor & Gamble 6
    5. IBM 5
    6. American Airlines 5
    7. Dell Computers 5
    8. Capital One 5
    9. Deloittte Consulting 4
    10. General Motors 4
    11. Bear Stearns 4
    12. American Express 4
    13. Citigroup 4
    14. Eli Lilly 4
    I think it is quite clear that the GSB is not just a Banking school (although it is very strong there) it is also as strong as Kellogg for instance in the consulting side, add to that a little bit lower average salary and the fact that these surveys are from 2002 and that curret situation is way better I think the answer is quite clear.

    מספר הפוסטים: 213

    In reply to danteleman2002 from January 15 2004 on 04:44


    Although Assaf did most of the work and also due to the fact that I am baised (because I applied only to Chicago), I will add the fact that Chicago has a very strong alumni with 5,500 company managers and a total of 35,000 Alumni (Assaf, correct me if I messed up I took the number from my memory). Duke on it's site states that there are 10,000 Faqua alums.

    I think that the location issue is also different, with an advantage to Chicago.

    In regards to cost of living, Faqua might be cheaper, but you have to take into consideration the fact that Chicago gives out a lot of sponserships.

    Again like Assaf said, both schools are top tier schools which means that they are very very good.

    I myself prefer Chicago.


    מספר הפוסטים: 28

    anyone got into MIT?

    מספר הפוסטים: 5

    In reply to msarfaty from January 11 2004 on 11:37

    מה הממוצע שלך?

    מספר הפוסטים: 69

    In reply to Sharoni from January 15 2004 on 15:51

    אני מניח שאתה מתכוון לממוצע בתואר הראשון. התואר הראשון שלי הוא דו-חוגי – מדעי המחשב וכלכלה מת"א:

    מדעי המחשב – 82, כלכלה – 81

    חוץ מזה – 4 שנים בצבא בקרבי, 4 שנים מאבטח בנתב"ג ושגרירויות ושנה וחצי מהנדס בדיקות בחברת תוכנה (סטרט-אפ). GMAT-760 TOEFL-293

    מספר הפוסטים: 5

    In reply to msarfaty from January 15 2004 on 16:08

    שרון זה גם שם של בת

    אני מניחה שהסיבה לקבלת המילגה היא הציון הגבוה ב GMAT + ממוצע מעל ל- 80.

    ידוע לך אם יש מלגות שלא מתבססות על הישגים בלימודים?

    מספר הפוסטים: 69

    In reply to Sharoni from January 15 2004 on 16:44

    הי שרון,

    קודם כל סליחה על הבילבול. הפורום הזה מורכב מ90% בנים, אז אפילו לא חשבתי על זה….

    השאלה שלך מתיחסת ל Tuck או באופן כללי?

    מספר הפוסטים: 69

    In reply to msarfaty from January 11 2004 on 11:37

    שלום msarfaty

    אשמח לקבל ממך מידע על TUCK.

    [email protected]

מוצגות 50 תגובות – 1 עד 50 (מתוך 979 סה״כ)
  • יש להתחבר למערכת על מנת להגיב.