מוצגות 50 תגובות – 1 עד 50 (מתוך 86 סה״כ)
  • מאת
  • aringoadmin
    מספר הפוסטים: 183

    ינון דולב, סטודנט בתוכנית ה-MBA של קורנל, ישמח לענות על שאלות לגבי התוכנית ותהליך הקבלה.

    ינון סיים תואר במחשבים במרכז הבין תחומי בהרצליה. הוא עבד בחברות תוכנה, ולאחר הלימודים בחברת סטארט אפ בתחום התקשורת האופטית. הוא שירת כמ"פ בתותחנים.

    ינון יענה על שאלות בנושא אופי התוכנית, אפשרויות לעתיד, החיים כזוג נשוי בקורנל ועוד. אם יתאפשר לו, הוא יכתוב מדי פעם עידכונים על חוויותיו היום יומיות כסטודנט ישראלי בארה"ב וכמועמד MBA בקורנל.

    מספר הפוסטים: 1


    האם ניתנת אשרת עבודה לאשת הסטודנט ?

    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    In reply to yossir from November 10 2003

    או לחילופין לבעלה?

    מהן האפשרויות לתעסוקה לבן הזוג (בתחום ההי טק)?

    מספר הפוסטים: 3

    היי ינון

    תודה עלך העזרה

    מה לדעתך מייחד את קורנל ומדוע בחרת בה

    האם המספר הקטו של התלמידים היה שיקול (בניגוד לוורטור והרוורד)

    אני מעוניין להגיש את הבקשה בינואר אולם חוכך האם קורנל מתאימה לסוג הקיירה אליה אני פונהץ יוצא הייטק המעוניין בתפקיד אופרטיבי לאחר התואר בשייוק תכנון עסקי וכיוצא בזה

    השאלה אם זו תכנית שתתאים לADCOM? ולבי"ס



    מספר הפוסטים: 11

    In reply to yossir from November 10 2003


    האם ניתנת אשרת עבודה לאשת הסטודנט


    It really depends on the type of Visa owned by the student.

    F1 visa – The spouse gets an F2 visa, which does not allow the spouse to work.

    J1 visa – The spouse gets an J2 visa, which allows the spouse to work.

    These visa types have certain limitations, and there are other visa types as well. I encourage you to visit the american embassy's website and inquire more. http://usembassy-israel.org.il/

    מספר הפוסטים: 11

    In reply to dalit from November 10 2003


    It is hard for me to report accurately what are the High-Tech job opportunities in the entire USA, since I am not an authorized source. However, generally speaking, there are three major areas in the US which have concentrations of High-Tech firms:

    1. Silicon Valley, California – HP, Cisco, Agilent and many more.

    2. Seattle – Microsoft and more.

    3. Route 128, Boston area – Akamai, EMC and more.

    The High Tech market shows slight signals of recovery in the past year, which is an encouraging fact.

    מספר הפוסטים: 11

    In reply to omerl from November 12 2003


    קורנל היא אוניברסיטה מעולה. ישנם נושאים רבים שמייחדים אותה מאוניברסיטאות אחרות:

    1. תכנית הלימודים – התכנית מאד מגוונת ומציעה אפשרויות שאינן קיימות בבתי ספר אחרים. דוגמא בולטת היא ה Immersion learning. במהלך הסמסטר השני בשנה הראשונה הסטודנטים בוחרים התמחות אשר במסגרתה מיישמים פרקטיקום עם חברות חיצוניות שמגיעות לקמפוס בהנחייה של בחירים בתעשייה. בכך ניתנת לסטודנטים האפשרות להתנסות בעבודה מעשית לפני עבודת הקיץ. ה immersions המוצעים כיום הם:

    Investment banking

    Marketing – Brand Management.

    Sales and research.


    Managarial Finance

    Enterpreneurship and private equity

    יחד עם זאת, חשוב לציין כי מי שאינו מעוניין לבחור ב immersion מסוים אינו חייב ויכול לבחור בקורסי בחירה כרצונו. בכך ניתנת גמישות מקסימלית לסטודנט להתאים את תכנית הלימודים לשאיפות המקצועיות.

    2. האוירה, הסביבה והאנשים –

    קיימת בבי"ס סביבה מאד תומכת ואוהדת. הדבר מתבטא ביחסים בין הסטודנטים לסגל המרצים ולסגל האדמיניסטרטיבי. קיימת כאן מדיניות open door לפיה אפשר באופן חפשי להכנס למשרדים של מרצים ולנהל אתם שיחות. הדבר מעניין במיוחד כאשר אתה מדבר עם איש סגל שהיה שותף בחברת ייעוץ מהמובילות בארה"ב.

    בנוסף, ניתן לסטודנטים מרחב אדיר לפעולה במובן של רעיונות, יוזמות, אירועים וכיו"ב. אני לא אגזים לומר שרוב מה שקורה ברחבי הקמפוס מנוהל על ידי הסטודנטים, החל בחברות שמגיעות לקמפוס, דוברים חיצוניים וכלה במסיבות וטיולים.

    3. ההכנה המקצועית למציאת עבודה –

    קיים בבי"ס מרכז ה Career Management Center שבכל שלב מכין את הסטודנטים ומדריך אותם בהכנת רזומה, הכנה לראיונות, יצירת קשרים מחוץ לבי"ס ועוד. בנוסף, מדי יום ביומו יש בבי"ס אירועים כמו: פרזנטציות של חברות, ראיונות קבלה, קבלות פנים וכו'

    קיימות עוד סיבות רבות.

    לגבי השאלה "האם זה מתאים לועדת הקבלה?" , זה עבד עבורי.

    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    In reply to Yinnon-Cornell from November 14 2003


    Thanks for your reply,

    I was actually asking what are the options for my spouse around Cornell in particular…


    מספר הפוסטים: 11

    In reply to dalit from November 14 2003


    There are some technology firms in the area, but not too much.


    מספר הפוסטים: 28

    Yinnon, when do the interviews for internships for first year's at Cornell start?

    Do BCG, Bain and McK come on campus to interview?

    מספר הפוסטים: 11

    In reply to ירון from November 14 2003

    On campus interviews for summer internships usually begin around January. Some companies begin earlier than that.

    Having that said, it is important to note two facts:

    1. Companies' on campus recruiting and briefings start on day one.

    2. If you run an independent job search in parallel, you might start interviewing earlier than that.

    Bain, BCG and McKinsey do not recruit on campus but we have alumni working in those firms, which are good starting points to contact with. Consulting companies that do come to campus are Delloite, Accenture, Booz Allen and more.

    Also, an interesting trend in the consulting world has begun in the past few years. A lot of companies such as HP, American Express and IBM, who do arrive to campus, have started to sell not only products but also services such as strategic consulting services. They developed/acquired their own strategic consulting divisions which make huge revenues. My point is that consultants can also work in firms other than consulting firms.

    Secret Admirer
    מספר הפוסטים: 1

    Yinnon, there are some rumors that… today is your birthday!

    Mazal Tov!!!

    מספר הפוסטים: 24

    כן, כן, שיהיה מזל טוב.

    מספר הפוסטים: 31

    In reply to Secret Admirer from November 23 2003

    Sorry for the delay, But it is true. Thank you.

    מספר הפוסטים: 2

    In reply to Yinnon-Cornell from November142003

    Yinnon, why did you say that McK and Bain do not reqruit on-campus? I just entered the Johnson website and it says that Bain and McK will be on campus for the 2003 reqruiting. BCG will not come though…

    מספר הפוסטים: 54

    In reply to Yinnon-Cornell from November 14 2003 on 20:53

    Hi Yinnon,

    Thanks for your time.

    I was wandering whether you know of any Israelis who already got admitted this year.

    Thanks !!!

    מספר הפוסטים: 31

    In reply to mikik from December 14 2003 on 12:45


    I am sorry but no. The results of the first admission round will be given soon and only then we will know.

    Did you apply to the Johnson school?


    מספר הפוסטים: 31

    In reply to dave from December 11 2003 on 04:24

    Yinnon, why did you say that McK and Bain do not reqruit on-campus? I just entered the Johnson website and it says that Bain and McK will be on campus for the 2003 reqruiting. BCG will not come though…

    Recruiting companies change from year to year. For those who whish to come to the Johnson school and then try to apply for a job at BCG or McKinsey, there are strong alumni connections which will put them in a good starting position. As a matter of fact, I have a few classmates who are now in the process.


    מספר הפוסטים: 54

    In reply to ydolev from December 14 2003 on 19:26


    No, I didn't apply, I asked this for a friend who is abroad at the moment.

    מספר הפוסטים: 36

    In reply to mikik from December 14 2003 on 12:4

    I know one guy who got the call on friday evening

    מספר הפוסטים: 28

    In reply to sharon_g from December 15 2003 on 13:00

    does he live in Israel?

    מספר הפוסטים: 36

    In reply to ירון from December 15 2003 on 17:13

    israeli but live in uk now

    מספר הפוסטים: 69


    I consider Johnson Business Scholl as one of my top chioces.

    1. Is there a requirment in JBS from graduates that come from a non-economical backround as me (law) to take extra base courses such as statistics or micro-economics?

    2. In a case that the answer to my first question is yes, is it possible to take these courses here in Israel and have them approved by JBS?



    מספר הפוסטים: 36


    Though somewhat late I would like to welcome you to the Johnson School thread and to congratulate you for your interest in this phenomenal community. My name is Amit Nisenbaum and I am a recent alum of the Johnson School. I graduated last year and currently work at one of the strategy consulting firms mentioned in this thread out of the Boston office.

    I will love to answer any questions you have from an alum point of view but before doing that let me provide some context. If you are one of the many prospective applicants I already met feel free to skip the coming paragraph, as nothing there will be new to you.

    My background is somewhat diverse. I spent six years in the Israeli Navy serving as a Naval officer, after leaving the Navy I studied computer science in the Technion and worked full time in parallel to my studies at Kidum. I started as an instructor in preparation courses for the psychometric exams, was promoted to the position of director of instruction and again to the position of regional VP. After graduating from the Technion I joined a start-up where I established and ran the R&D department, I left that company to run product and business development in couple of other start-ups. At the Johnson School I took the Entrepreneurship and Private Equity (EPE) immersion, I was a partner in BR Ventures, the Johnson School Venture Capital firm and a founding director of BR Incubator, the Johnson School business incubator. Finally, I was the chair of the Johnson Admissions Group (JAG), the group of students that work with the admissions office reading applications and interviewing prospective students. These days I am working at BCG with a focus on the technology and telecom industry.

    After this long introduction I will just reiterate my willingness to answer any questions you have. I strongly believe that the growing Israeli community in the leading US MBA programs in general and in the Johnson School specifically is something that will help all of us and I am committed to support this trend.

    Reading the questions and replies on this thread I found one question I would like to answer. As for top consulting firms that recruit in the Johnson School, the list Yinnon provided is a list of companies that consistently recruited in the Johnson School. We have great track record with these firms and especially with Deloitte. The other firms come and go according to the needs of the hour. McK came to campus last year and I believe they will come also this year. Bain did that before but not for the last couple of years. When BCG comes to campus it is usually for P.hd students. Dave, if the Johnson School web site said specifically that these firms will come to campus this year this is just great and is another proof of the recovering economy. But make sure that this is what is written exactly. Usually schools don’t commit for anything but provide a list of companies that recruited on campus in the past. This is true for all schools not just the Johnson school.

    One advice I will give those of you that will get admitted to any school, be active about your job search! The most successful students are the ones that are proactive in general and at the context of the job search specifically. BTW – this is the place we see the real advantage Johnson School students have, they are PROACTIVE. The atmosphere at school encourages students to take this approach, which benefit them in spades.

    Finally, I would like to congratulate Yinnon for being proactive in the realm of the IIMBA. He is continuing a long tradition of Israeli leadership in the Johnson School which we would like to continue. We hope that we will be able to find the right ones between of you that will be able to help us doing so.

    All the best,


    מספר הפוסטים: 31

    In reply to rl_7 from December 18 2003 on 14:42


    Below is my answer to your questions:

    1. Is there a requirment in JBS from graduates that come from a non-economical backround as me (law) to take extra base courses such as statistics or micro-economics?

    The answer is NO. No early requirements. I, for example, have a a Computer Sciences degree, and I came from an R&D background.

    All the basic courses , the core courses, are taught during the first year, and mainly during the first semester. For those who already took the core courses during their undergraduate studies, exemption exams are provided.


    מספר הפוסטים: 69

    This question is dircted to both Yinnon and Amit:

    What were the main reasons for your decision to choose JBS and not other schools?


    מספר הפוסטים: 31

    In reply to rl_7 from December 22 2003 on 13:46


    This is a great question. There are many reasons why I chose Cornell from the options I had.

    Please check out my reply to omerl from November 12 2003 (It is one of the first messages on this thread). You will find a descriptive answer there.

    I will add to that and tell you that the Johnson school has a great alumni network. This is EXTREMELY important for your job search and for your personal connections. There are many alumni all over the US, working in different kinds of industries who will be willing to help you, this way or another, just because you are from the Johnson school.

    A virtual tour link of Cornell's campus is added below.


    I hope this answers your questions

    מספר הפוסטים: 36

    There were two main reasons that made me choose the Johnson School. The first reason was more related to my area of interest, which is Entrepreneurship and Private Equity. I believed that the combination of the EPE immersion and BR Ventures will help me to enhance my experience and knowledge in the area. I am happy to report that this was indeed the case. I also believe that this is true in other areas such as finance, marketing, operations and more. The real life learning experience is one of the Johnson school’s pillars and differentiates the school from other schools.

    The second reason was the type of environment that exist in the Johnson School. From one hand it is an environment that will challenge you and push you to your limit, which I believe is the essence of an MBA. From the other hand it is a very intimate and supporting community that is very important when you are away from home and stretched to your limit studying and looking for job at the same time. The other aspect of the Johnson school community is the extent in which students can get involved and make a difference. The kind of people we are looking to admit to the Johnson School is change agents, people who inclined and attracted to making a difference. We are looking for these people as we believe these are the world’s future leaders and we want to take part in their education and transformation. But there are consequences to the type of people we admit, we can’t just admit these people and then tell them to sit quietly. We have to provide them with opportunities to make a difference. As a result I believe the Johnson School is one of the best schools for students who are looking to leave their mark on. The fact that we involve our students in the admissions process, which is relatively unique, is only one testament to the extent students are involved. There are many other examples and some of them are elaborated in my introduction.

    So to summarize, the real life learning experience and the type of culture the school has were the two main drivers to my choice.


    מספר הפוסטים: 66

    In reply to ydolev from December 22 2003 on 09:44

    Hi Yinon,

    Two questions:

    First, When are interview invites being sent out , is in on an ongoing basis

    Second, is there a way to conduct the interview in Israel, over the phone (I know it is not a good optino) or is it only done on-campus?



    מספר הפוסטים: 31

    In reply to omri from February 17 2004 on 10:53


    Invitations for inteviews are being sent all the time on regular basis. Interviews can be held in Israel only if an interviewer is available. Phone interviews are also possible, although not recommended. When scheduling an interview, you can inform the admissions representative about your preferance and they will do their best to fit the interview according to it.

    Good Luck!

    מספר הפוסטים: 66

    To: ydolev

    Hi again,

    I wnated to ask you about the loan program for intl students:

    Must we have a US co-signer?If so, My mother is a US citizen but she does not live there and has no credit history, does that mean that she cannot sign for me? Also, what is the max we can borrow per year?

    THanks a lot!!!!!


    מספר הפוסטים: 31

    To: omri


    The Johnson school offers a variety of financial loan programs. In addition to students loans which carry low interest rate, the school provides a lot of scholarships for successful candidates.

    Below are my answers to your questions:

    Must we have a US co-signer?

    It depends on what type of financial aid program are you applying to, as well as your visa status (International student or not). There are loans for international students which DO NOT require a US co-signer.

    My mother is a US citizen but she does not live there and has no credit history, does that mean that she cannot sign for me?

    I do not know the answer to that question. I recommend that you address this question to the financial aid office at:[email protected]

    You can learn more details through their website: http://www.johnson.cornell.edu/academic/financialaid/

    What is the max we can borrow per year?

    It depends on the portfolio of financial programs you apply to. I can not provide you with a specific number, but I can asure you that you can finance your tuition, housing and living expenses by using loans only.

    Let me know if you have more questions.


    מספר הפוסטים: 69

    To: ydolev


    I couldn't attend your lecture regarding cornell at fulbright. Is there anyway I can catch up?


    מספר הפוסטים: 15

    To: ydolev

    Hi Yinon

    Can you publish your mail?

    מספר הפוסטים: 18

    To: Amit, Yinnon-Cornell

    Amit and Yinnon hi

    First off – thanks for all the great info.

    I would love to ask you a few questions concerning Cornell and the Interview process. Appreciate if you could send me your email to alo[email protected], or post it here (your discretion, naturally).

    Thanks in advance,


    מספר הפוסטים: 8

    To: Yinnon-Cornell, Amit

    Hi Yinnon and Amit,

    I was wondering if you have any advice for me. Next week I will be having an interview over the phone, and I will be grateful for any helpful info….



    מספר הפוסטים: 36

    To: gabiz


    I will be happy to advise. Will you be able to call me on Wednesday 14:00 Israel Time at (050) 214-5304?


    מספר הפוסטים: 8

    To: Amit


    I will call at that time.



    מספר הפוסטים: 203

    To: ydolev

    Hi Yinov,

    how are things?

    I beleive I will apply to johnson school next month

    One Question I have is:

    does the school have a student's newspaper.

    If yes,

    please link me to it


    Eli Yered

    מספר הפוסטים: 73

    To: All

    Do any of the members of this forum know of Israeli alumni or current students at NYU or Cornell business schools?



    מספר הפוסטים: 44

    To: yonis

    I've met and talked to several from Cornell.

    If you want to send me your e-mail I will forward it to them if it's OK with them.


    מספר הפוסטים: 203

    To: avishaish


    I am looking for a way to contact Yinon Dolev with his new e-mail.

    Do you have it?

    By the way did you apply to Cornell already?

    Good luck


    מספר הפוסטים: 44

    To: eliko

    I have submitted my application.

    Contact me at [email protected].

    Good luck to you too.


    מספר הפוסטים: 73

    To: avishaish

    Thank you very much Avishai.

    My e-mail is: yo[email protected]

    By the way, I may be wrong, but I think we did a GMAT course togather at Meitav (on Fridays).


    מספר הפוסטים: 19

    To: eliko

    Hi Eli,

    I am a first year student at Cornell Johnson School.

    We do have a student newspaper, but I have no idea what its web address is. I'm sure that if you serch school's web site you willbe able to find it.



    מספר הפוסטים: 31

    To: eliko


    There are multiple newsletters and newsgroups. Most newsletters are internal and can not be accessed by those who are not from the Johnson school. However, you can follow news and events and discover interesting facts about students' activities in the following link: http://www.johnson.cornell.edu/life/studentorganizations/

    This link is a must if you are preparing your addmisions doing your research. For those of you who follow this link thoroughly, I am sure that you will find that the Johnson school provides great autonomy to the students.

    מספר הפוסטים: 31

    To: yonis


    I am an alumnus. If you have a question, fire away.


    מספר הפוסטים: 31

    To: eliko


    I encourage you to post your generic questions on this thread, so we can share the information with additional applicants. Also, Cornell students like Tal and others will be able to weigh in and post their pitch.

    Note that Kim Killingsworth, Assistand Director of the Cornell Johnson school's admissions office will be participating in a panel organized by Fulbright in Tel Aviv. The exact date will be posted on this thread soon.


    מספר הפוסטים: 19

    To: eliko


    here is the student's paper web site: face=Verdana color=#800080 http://www.cornellbusiness.com

    good luck!


    מספר הפוסטים: 203

    To: Tinbi

    Thanks Tal!

מוצגות 50 תגובות – 1 עד 50 (מתוך 86 סה״כ)
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