מוצגות 50 תגובות – 1 עד 50 (מתוך 426 סה״כ)
  • מאת
  • mb108
    מספר הפוסטים: 19

    ירון קניאז'ר, סטודנט ל-MBA ב-London Business School , ישמח לענות על שאלות לגבי התוכנית ותהליך הקבלה.

    ירון סיים תואר ראשון במנהל עסקים עם התמחות בחשבונאות במכללה למנהל. הוא שימש כמנהל במחלקת ההיי-טק של קוסט-Ernst&Young בישראל וכ- Chief Financial Officer של חברת תוכנה עד למעבר ללונדון.

    מספר הפוסטים: 213

    ירון שלום ותודה,

    קודם כל, אשמח לדעת אם יש לך עצות פרקטיות בנוגע לאפליקשיין.

    מעבר לזה אשמח לשמוע על חויותייך, במיוחד כזוג נשוי, היכן אתם גרים (ומה העלות לשנה, אם מותר לדעת), איך התוכנית עד עתה?

    יש לך הערכות כלשהן לגבי כמות המעומדים ומעמדם של הישראלים בין אלו (האם הכמות גדלה יחסית לשנה שעברה והאם הכוונה היא לשמר את יחס הישראלים)?

    שוב תודה,

    מספר הפוסטים: 11

    In reply to gbiron from November 26 2003


    First I would like to thank IIMBA for this opportunity. Please try to post your questions in English. Doing so will enable me to forward some questions to admissions personals.

    Number of Israeli students – this year we are 9 just in the MBA! (There are other in the MIF and PhDs). I do not have exact data on planned number for next year, but hope it will be similar (we are doing our best to prove that we deserve this number)

    Leaving in London – The main expense is the rent cost. In general It vary between 200-300+ per week, depends on children, area etc. The good thing is that your partner will be able to work in London, something that changes the entire picture.

    Application – It is difficult to give general answers but (1) try to show strong potential for future success. Do so by explaining your career progress until today and how an MBA will help you further progress. (2) International experience – if you have it is great. Show your ability to work with diverse people. (3) Team player – there is a strong emphasis on teamwork. Find the balance between leadership potential and teamwork. (4) Show that your really interest in the school – I already saw potential students visiting the school. If you are in the area visit the school.

    Hope it help, feel free to ask further Q

    Good luck


    מספר הפוסטים: 213

    In reply to kniajer from November 26 2003

    thanks for the info,

    Have you got a rough estimation regarding the annual costs for a family? what is the percent of scholarships between the Israeli's? do they still give out the 10K pound scholarship for Israeli's?

    As you can see the finacial side bothers me a bit…

    I promise that if i'll recieve an interview, i'll come and visit the campus first.

    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    Hi Yaron,

    Thank you for your time, and effort answering questions. LBS is my first choice, but I am going to apply only next year.

    Here are my questions:

    1. How much emphasis does LBS put on extracurricular activities?

    2. Are there any female Israeli students in the MBA program right now?

    3. I am going to come with a partner. What are the options for an electrical engineer in LBS? Are there many Hi-tech companies around?

    4. I know that LBS is known for her finance concentration. I am most interested in the fields of marketing and strategy. What are your thoughts regarding this fields in LBS?

    Thank you,


    מספר הפוסטים: 11

    In reply to gbiron from November 26 2003

    I understand your financial concern. However, you got the 10K scholarship (as far as I know it is still on) and you got HSBC loan scheme (see at website), which is a very simple process. You can manage a rough budget of around 2,500 per month, for couple W/O children.

    All in all, personal savings, HSBC and partner salary (maybe scholarship) make this an accessible opportunity

    מספר הפוסטים: 11

    In reply to dalit from November 26 2003

    Extracurricular activities – as any other school it is important and provides a more interesting picture of the candidate. With that said, a lot of us have some community background, like “Perach”, which can be used as an example for community work. If you feel it is really week point in your application, you can always start working to improve this as any other element in your application.

    Female students – there are 2 in our class and 1 in 2004 class (also 1 in the Phd). So, you will have female companion, do not worry.

    Partner – if you are married, so you have no problem, he will get a working visa. As for finding actual job, start looking for it early as possible. There are companies here with offices in Israel. I assume it will not be easy but it is really possible to find here a job with the visa.

    Marketing / strategy etc – I do not want to sound like promoting the school to aggressively, but I truly think that its reputation and location make the school a top choice for any subject. Be sure that not all the Israeli are going to finance. A lot are more interesting in business development, strategy, marketing etc.


    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    In reply to kniajer from November 26 2003

    How can I get in touch with Israeli female students?

    מספר הפוסטים: 11

    In reply to dalit from November 26 2003

    You can ask the school to connect you to female student. I will try to help here

    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    In reply to Kniajer from November 26 2003

    Thanks for the help

    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    In reply to Kniajer from November 26 2003

    Hi Yaron,

    Can you please tell me how LBS considers reapplicants?



    מספר הפוסטים: 11

    In reply to dalit from December 10 2003

    LBS will consider re-applicant as any other applicant. Meaning a new full application including essays, recommendations etc.

    With that said, a re-applicant must consider carefully how to emphasis the changes and progress from his previous application that make him now qualified for LBS. Just as an example:

    Lack of international experience – show how in the past year you gained such experience through working abroad, working a lot with international companies etc
    Lack of leadership experience – again, show a promotion in the last year to a managerial role.

    There are of course other examples. Just think what were the weaknesses in the previous application and proved that you successfully faced them!

    Good luck

    מספר הפוסטים: 213

    שלום לכולם,

    מישהו הגיש מועמדות לסיבוב הראשון או השני ל- LBS?

    אני בתהליכים איטיים אך מתקדמים והייתי שמח לשמוע חויות של אחרים.

    מספר הפוסטים: 213

    מישהו התקבל בסיבוב הראשון / לראיון בסיבוב השני ? נרשם לסיבוב השלישי ?

    מספר הפוסטים: 19

    To: All

    Anyone going to the open day in London?

    מספר הפוסטים: 12

    To: George

    I know about 2.

    מספר הפוסטים: 19

    To: aviad

    How many Israelis made it in at LBS?

    Do you know their profile?

    מספר הפוסטים: 12

    To: George

    Hi George,

    You can call me at 058-535378.

    מספר הפוסטים: 4

    To: All

    Dear Yaron (or anyone else)

    Do you happen to know what is the "value" of LBS degree in Israel? (I know the answer depands on many other parameters).

    Does it make any difference? Is it worth going there and coming right back to Israel?

    Many thanks


    מספר הפוסטים: 11

    To: guyindig


    In terms of career path and opportunities, in general, I believe that staying in Europe will benefit you more and will enable you to leverage your MBA studies in a more effective way. This is because of several reasons including higher potential salaries (in Pounds vs. NIS), career opportunities etc.

    With that said, a number of Israelis came back after their MBA (from LBS and other schools) to very exciting positions, and I believe it reflect the increasing recognition of international MBA’s in Israel market.

    So, what do you take from my answer? There is an added value to both cases. However, I believe an MBA at LBS or at any other leading international school should be viewed not just as the two years studies (or one as the case with our friends in France), but also to include a number of years post the MBA.

    All the best

    מספר הפוסטים: 4

    To: Kniajer

    Dear Yaron

    Thank you very much for the answer.

    I understand you are currently studying in LBS.

    I was addmitted to the MiF program for Sep. 2004.

    I will be very happy to study more on the career opportunities as well as on the cost of living etc.

    If you will have a chance I will be very happy to all you to further discuss.

    I am available on my e-mail – [email protected].

    I will appreciate if you could send me an e-mail to initiate a contact, and if not then thanks anyway,


    מספר הפוסטים: 11

    To: Kniajer

    London Business School Annual Information Session

    Join current London Business School students and alumni to learn more about one of the world’s leading business schools

    When: Thursday, September 23rd, 2004 at 18:00
    where: Bank Hapoalim, 11 Hanegev St., Tel Aviv
    18:00 – 19:00 Reception:
    Meet current students and alumni of London Business School.
    19:00 – 19:30 Presentation:
    Mr. Yaron Kniajer.
    London Business School MBA 2005
    19:30 – 20:30 Q&A:
    Ask current students and alumni about their personal experiences, application process and more.
    Space is limited. Please confirm your participation, including first and last name to Ms. Emma Bond at ebond@london.edu.

    We look forward to seeing you there.

    מספר הפוסטים: 785

    To: Kniajer


    I met Emma Bond last Friday (13-8), when I visited LBS dueing the drop-in session at 3PM.

    She'd also mentioned the Israeli info. session on 23-9.

    Unfortunately, I cannot attend this info. session since I'm on my my honeymoon in Thailand at that time

    Is there any chance that I can meet with you personally, before or after this info. session? if so, please email me on my private email: epo[email protected]

    Thanks in advance!

    מספר הפוסטים: 5

    To: All


    When is the next information session on LBS?

    I understand that LBS has not gone the way of most European schools in offering a truncated program of less than 12 months.



    מספר הפוסטים: 11

    To: wgeller


    It is true that LBS does not offer a 12 months or less MBA program. However, you should note that today you can complete your MBA in 15 months instaed of 21 months, including internship (please refer to our website http://www.london.edu for more information about this).

    Details about the next information session will be posted as soon as possible.


    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: All

    Dalit Talmor, a first year student at London Business School, will be happy to answer your questions about LBS.

    I am moving to London with my husband. I studied industrial engineering in the Technion. In my work I dealt mainly with Project Management methodologies and practices, as a consultant and as a project management officer in the hi-tech industry.

    Feel free to address any questions about the MBA experience in general and about the London Business School in particular.

    מספר הפוסטים: 50

    To: dalit

    היי דלית,

    ראיתי מספר התייחסויות שלך לנושא בן/בת הזוג.

    הייתי רוצה לשאול אותך מספר שאלות בהקשר זה.

    אשמח אם תחזרי אלי למייל:

    [email protected]


    מספר הפוסטים: 21

    To: dalit

    הי דלית,
    כל הכבוד על הקבלה ל LBS ובהצלחה בלימודים.
    שמי אבי והייתי רוצה לדעת, אם אפשר, את הנתונים העיקריים שבזכותם התקבלת ל– LBS.
    סיימתי הנדסת מערכות מידע בטכניון (לפני שנתיים) מתי סיימת?
    מה בעלך מתכוון לעשות, בני זוג יכולים לעבוד?
    התקבלת עם מלגה?
    איזה דגשים שמת בחיבורים? תוכלי לשלוח לי אותם או לפחות דגשים ששמת באופן ספציפי ל- LBS.
    המייל שלי הוא [email protected]

    תודה רבה
    מקווה שנתראה שם.


    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: savi1

    הי אבי,

    אני מניחה שהתקבלתי ל-LBS בזכות מכלול רחב של שיקולים, ולאו דווקא הנתונים ה"יבשים" של ציונים.

    אני משוכנעת שלא הGMAT היחסית נמוך שלי (650) ולא הממוצע הלא ממש מזהיר שלי (80) הם שהכניסו אותי לשם. המלצות וחיבורים טובים הם כנראה מה ששכנע את ועדת הקבלה.

    בחיבורים כדאי לשים דגש על ניסיון ניהולי ומנהיגות (צבא), ניסיון בינ"ל (גם טיולים ארוכים), ועבודת צוות. לא נראה לי שיש טעם שאשלח לך את החיבוירם שלי, משום שמן הסתם ניסיון החיים שלנו, והמאפיינים האישיים שלנו כבני אדם שונים מאד זה מזה. תנסה ליצור תמונה משכנעת, מקיפה, ואמיתי שלך ככל הניתן.

    היתרון המשמעותי של לימודים ב-LBS הוא העובדה שבן זוג מקבל אישור עבודה אוטומטית. עניין של שעה בשגרירות והכל מסודר.

    החיסרון המשמעותי בלימודים שם הוא כמובן יוקר המחייה. לא קיבלתי מלגה. ישנה מלגה של הקונסוליה הבריטית, אשר לא הגשתי אליה מועמדות, פשוט כי שמעתי עליה מאוחר מדי. שווה לבדוק ולנסות. הדד ליין הוא בדצמבר, אם אני לא טועה, ולא צריך לדעת שהתקבלת ע"מ להגיש מועמדות.



    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: All


    בלוגים של סטודנטים / מועמדים הוא אחד ממקורות המידע שאני מצאתי כנחמדים במיוחד. מקבלים תמונה אמיתית של חיי הסטודנט, וכשנמצאים עמוק ב### של האפליקיישן כיף לקרא שאתם לא לבד שם.

    הלינק הוא לבלוג של סוזי, הולנדית שתתחיל ללמוד איתי בעוד שבועיים. היא כותבת יפה, עם הרבה טיפים על התהליך כולו. יש שם גם הרבה לינקים מועילים.

    בצד ימין תמצאו רשימה של בלוגרים רלוונטיים נוספים.


    מספר הפוסטים: 141

    To: dalit

    שלום יקירתי!

    אני מבינה שכבר התמקמת לך איפהשהו בין ארמון המלוכה ל"הרודס". מקווה שאת ובעלך עושים חיים.

    היום מסיבת הפרידה של ODRP וכך אחרון החברים מהפורום של "שנה שעברה" (חוץ ממני- הבונה על שנה הבאה) יצאו לדרכם החדשה

    בכל מקרה שיהיה המון בהצלחה- אל תשכחי לעדכן מדי פעם והכי חשוב- לא לרוץ בעקבים גבוהים ברח' אוקספורד- גם אם מחכים לאיזה אימייל חשוב


    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: shoshy

    אני עדיין פה…

    טסה ביום שני.

    מספר הפוסטים: 141

    To: dalit

    אז תבואי היום!!!

    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    <p align=left dir=ltr>To: All<br><hr></p>כשפגשתי אותו במעמקי גווטמלה, הוא לא אמר כלום…

    אין מצב שאני מגיעה. נראה לי שהיום הגעתי למסקנה שהמזוודות לא יתמלאו מרצון. אני צריכה להתחיל לעבוד על זה ברגישות ובנחישות. בכפיה אך לא בכח…

    מספר הפוסטים: 141

    To: dalit

    נסי לקפוץ 3 פעמים על רגל אחת ולהגיד בקול רם "אוניברסיטת ריגה בערד – תכנית היזמוט מספר אחת בעולם" – אולי אז הן יסגרו….

    מספר הפוסטים: 282

    To: shoshy

    מה שלום הגברת בימים אלה?

    שנכין את השטיח האדום כאן בארה"ב או שאת מתכננת על אירופה?

    לאילו אוניברסיטאות את מגישה בסיבוב הראשון?

    מספר הפוסטים: 5

    To: Kniajer, dalit


    According to the LBS website no information session is planned this year for Tel Aviv. Is this true? Do you know why?


    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: YZYZ

    Hey Yaron,

    The details are still being finalized. I will publish them here as soon as I heve them.


    מספר הפוסטים: 2

    To: YZYZ

    Hi Yaron,

    We are just putting the final arrangements to this year's Tel Aviv informational. There is definitely going to be one, and looks set to take place in the second week of September.

    Please feel free to email or post any questions you may have in the meantime.


    LBS 2nd Year.

    מספר הפוסטים: 5

    To: LBSER


    Any updates on the LBS session? The 2nd week of September is coming up.



    מספר הפוסטים: 2

    To: YZYZ

    Dear Yaron,

    My apologies, we are just waiting for confirmation from our hosts in Israel that our chosen date is convenient for them.

    As we are keen to ensure that we have time to properly advertise this event, we have delayed slightly – the likely date is now Thursday 22nd September. Please feel free to email me offline if you have any questions in the meantime.

    Best regards


    מספר הפוסטים: 1

    To: LBSER

    Is there a date set for the LBS meeting in Israel? I am very much interested in details.



    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: All

    You'd be interested to know the following (cham me'hatanur):

    Record number of MBA graduates secure jobs within three months of graduation

    London Business School's MBA class of 2005 has met tremendous success in the job market. The number of MBA graduates who have accepted job offers within three months of graduation stands at a whopping 96% – up 11% compared with 2004. In 2003, just 65% of graduates had found a job within three months of graduation.

    Of the 296 MBAs that graduated in 2005, we have no data on 22 and we know that three were not seeking employment, leaving 271 who we know were seeking employment. Of these, 233 found new jobs, 20 returned to their previous employers, and seven started their own companies.

    מספר הפוסטים: 5

    To: lbs_student


    Any update on the information session?

    מספר הפוסטים: 2

    To: All

    London Business School Annual Information Session

    The London Business School annual information session will be held on Tuesday, 13.12.05, 18:00 in Bank Hapoalim, 11 Hanegev St., Tel Aviv, and will include presentation, Q&A and opportunity to meet current students and alums.

    We will provide further details (including sign-up) on the next few days.

    We are very looking forward to seeing you.

    Yair Oshman – MBA2006

    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: All

    London Business School in Tel Aviv
    Bank Hapoalim, Rubinstein Towers, Tower B, First Floor, 11 Hanegev St. Tel Aviv
    Tuesday, 13 December 2005, 18.00-21.00

    Meet with London Business School Alumni and Students

    We are delighted to announce that London Business School representatives will be hosting an Information Session in Tel Aviv on Tuesday, 13 December.

    The evening will begin with a reception from 6pm, followed by both a presentation and question and answer session, hosted by current MBA student, Yair Oshman (2006). The presentation will begin promptly at 7pm, and will cover admissions requirements, course content and the career benefits of our degree programmes.

    To reserve your place, either click on the link below or copy the URL into your browser – color=#0000ffhttp://interact.london.edu/link.asp?menu=events&coursesysid=52&advertcode=emailedinvite

    We very much hope that you will be able to join us at the above Information Session, and discover why we are considered by many to be the best choice for a truly international business career.

    If you require further information about London Business School or any of our programmes, please contact us at one of the email addresses below:

    MBA (full-time): color=#0000ffmbainfo@london.edu
    Masters in Finance: color=#0000ffmifinfo@london.edu
    Sloan Fellowship: color=#0000ffsloaninfo@london.edu
    EMBA-Global: color=#0000ffembaglobalinfo@london.edu
    Executive MBA: color=#0000ffemba-office@london.edu
    PhD: color=#0000ffphdinfo@london.edu

    This event is kindly sponsored by Bank Hapoalim.

    Kind regards,

    Cyndee Barlass
    Information Officer

    London Business School
    Regent's Park
    London, NW1 4SA
    United Kingdom
    w: title=http://www.london.edu/ color=#666666www.london.edu/SPAN
    t: +44 (0)20 7706 6859

    מספר הפוסטים: 31

    To: dalit

    דלית שלום,

    רציתי לדעת אם אפשר ליצור עמך קשר טלפוני על מנת לשאול מספר שאלות.


    מספר הפוסטים: 556
    מספר הפוסטים: 9

    To: dalit

    Hi Dalit,

    Lately I've been reading your massages in this forum and I learn a lot from them – thanks for that, I knwo you have limited time.

    I wanted to ask about 2006 3rd round Vs. 20071st. I'm afraid I don't have a GMAT yet (next month) but lets say I don't get a very high score (620-640). In addition i'm a commericial lawyer for a year now, with past 4 years experince in internationl sales and marketing in an old industry business and in the past year I also counsalt a start-up in the tech. business mostly business development in the most preliminary stages of a young comapny.

    What do you think are my chances in general and more specifically for 2006 3rd round?

    Thanks in advance.


    מספר הפוסטים: 18

    To: dalit

    BTW – I am in:)

מוצגות 50 תגובות – 1 עד 50 (מתוך 426 סה״כ)
  • יש להתחבר למערכת על מנת להגיב.