מוצגות 50 תגובות – 51 עד 100 (מתוך 426 סה״כ)
  • מאת
  • dalit
    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: yatskan

    BTW congrtulations!

    will we see you next year?

    מספר הפוסטים: 18

    To: dalit

    still have not heard from teh rest -but LBS is definitely one of my favorite places:)

    מספר הפוסטים: 57

    To: yatskan

    Hi Yuval, "Mabruk" on the positive answer.

    I was wondering if you can share your 2 cents from the London Business School interview – either in a forum message, by contacting me on my private mail, or share your private e-mail (and I will contact you).

    My email is: [email protected]

    Thanks (in advance) for your time

    מספר הפוסטים: 61

    To: dalit

    היי דלית,

    אני מתעניין ב-LBS ורציתי לדעת מהמקור המוסמך ביותר (=את) מהן ההשלכות הכלכליות. אם את יכולה התייחסי בבקשה לעלות הלימודים עצמם, עלות המחיה (בלונדון ובאיזור) והמלגות שלפי מיטב הבנתי לא רבות ב-LBS.

    אשמח באם תוכלי לפרט גם על האפשרויות העומדות בפני בוגר LBS ישראלי כפי שאת רואה אותן היום. האם אחוז ההשמה גבוה כמו בארה"ב? כמה זמן לוקח בממוצע לבוגר למצוא עבודה? איפה יש ביקוש רב יותר לבוגרי LBS?



    מספר הפוסטים: 74

    To: dalit

    הי דלית,

    בעוד עשרה ימים אני מגיעה לביקור קצר בלונדון (עבודה), רציתי לדעת אם אפשר לבוא לבקר באוניברסיטה.

    ד"א, אני קרן חברה של רותם (מהטכניון…).

    אשמח להיפגש,

    תודה, קרן.

    מספר הפוסטים: 61

    To: ofirr

    היי אופיר,

    אני אשמח מאוד עם תענה לי על השאלות.

    ניסיתי לשלוח אליך את השאלות ששאלתי בפורום אך לא הצלחתי (בעיות mail שלי או שלך).

    עוד שאלה – איך היחס אליך, כישראלי ,מהסגל ומשאר הסטודנטים?

    אתה יכול להשיב לי גם ל-email:

    [email protected]



    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: odedp

    אני מקווה שעכשיו ההודעה הזו תישלח… זו כבר פעם שלישית שאני מנסה..

    נתחיל מזה שאני כולה סטודנטית. לא מקור מוסמך מטעם אף אחד.

    לגבי העלויות:

    שכ"ל 21 אלף פאונד בשנה. זה הרבה כמו שזה נשמע, מצד שני זה כמו שכ"ל בארה"ב

    עלות המחיה תלויה בך: האם אתה מגיע לבד או עם בן/בת זוג, ילדים? האם אתה רוצה לגור קרוב לבי"ס, עם שותפים, כמה שותפים, כמה בירה אתה שותה בחודש, כמה וודקה אתה שותה (עולה פי 3 מבירה) וכו'. אני יכולה להגיד לך שאנחנו כזוג מוציאים בסביבות 2200 פאונד בחודש (וזה הרבה יותר ממה שזה נשמע). אבל אנחנו חיים טוב, ולא ממש מתקמצנים. מה גם שאנחנו גרים קרוב לבי"ס שזה אחד האזורים היקרים בלונדון, והיה נראה לנו ממש לא הגיוני לחלוק דירה עם שותפים (למרות שיש לא מעטו זוגות שעושים את זה). מלגות לא חסר. לחלקן צריך להגיש בקשה בנפרד (לפני ואחרי שמתקבלים) ולחלקן אתה מועמד אוטומטית אחרי שהתקבלת.

    לגבי חיפוש עבודה: האפשרויות העומדות בפני בוגר ישראלי הן אותן אפשרויות העומדות בפני אמריקאי, הודי קנדי וכו'. תלוי מה אתה רוצה לעשות כשתהיה גדול ומה עשית לפני הלימודים. לא ממש הבנתי את השאלה לגבי איפה יש ביקוש לבוגרי LBS. האם הכוונה לסקטור? חברות? מיקום ג"ג?

    לגבי שאר השאלות, בלינק המצ"ב תמצא את הדו"ח המעודכן ביותר בעניין השמת בוגרים.



    מספר הפוסטים: 61

    To: dalit


    תודה על התשובה המפורטת.

    אני נשוי ולכן הסכומים שנקבת נותנים לי פרופורציה טובה.

    נראה שהמחיה בלונדון יקרה פי 1.5-2 מהמחיה בארה"ב (לפחות מבוסטון ופילדלפיה).


    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: odedp

    מצד שני…

    אשתך מקבלת אישור עבודה אוטומטי!

    בקיץ יש סיכוי סביר שתרוויח בפאונדים

    פרוייקט שנה שנייה גם מהווה סוג של הכנסה.

    מספר הפוסטים: 11

    To: dalit

    הי דלית,

    אני מגישה מועמדות בסיבוב הקרוב ויש לי כמה שאלות, יש אפשרות ליצור איתך קשר טלפוני?



    מספר הפוסטים: 785

    To: dalit

    Hi Dalit,

    Can you please reply with the current Israeli headcount in LBS (1st and 2nd year)?

    Thanks in advance!

    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: epony

    1st year: 3

    2nd year: 4

    מספר הפוסטים: 210

    To: dalit

    Hi Dalit,

    I was wondering if you can shed some light on summer recruitment for consulting companies at LBS. How hard is it to actually land a summer position at one of the top firms (Mckinsey, BCG …) in your opinion? I've seen the stats and the numbers aren't great (compared to the top schools in the US). Is it because more people at LBS are headed for IBanking?

    Oh yes, another qustion if I may; I think I read in one of your earlier posts that your husband is an engineer. My future wife is also one and I was wondering how he got set with his work there? any difficulties?



    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: אייל

    Hi Eyal,

    I am not sure about the numbers but I know that quite a few of my class mates got jobs in consulting through the milkround (this how the period in which all consulting firms and bank come to campus to recruit). There are two issues to consider:

    1. London is the most competitive office. The chances will grow if you apply to another office.

    2. (And this is the important point) Consulting firms are hiring significantly less for summer than to full time. Of course, if you work there in the summer it will make the full time recruiting easier, but if not – it is still very doable! (Check the full time stats in order to compare).

    Re. job search for partners: We thought it will take him about 6 month to find a job. He got his offer on the last day of my first term (3.5 month after we got here). The difficulties are in writing a proper CV, and the recruiting process that is much much longer than that we are used to in Israel (he got the offer from the first company he intervied with. it took 3 month).

    I hope it helps…

    מספר הפוסטים: 210

    To: dalit

    thank you for quick and helpful reply!!!
    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: אייל

    Thanks.. One last comment, that will emphasize the good relations LBS has with consulting firms: The head of career services is an ex-McK

    Good luck!

    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: אייל

    so your questions is…. ?

    מספר הפוסטים: 210

    To: dalit


    I posted that last one right after the one I asked you before. the first one didn't seem to load so i wrote it again (not in the exact words…).

    Sorry for the confusion.


    מספר הפוסטים: 57

    To: odedp

    Hi Oded,

    You asked about my LBS process – I moved the answer to this thread, so other interested individuals will see it as well.

    I'll skim the obvious, and focus on the interview

    1. I submitted the application to R2 – on the last minute (like everyone does???) – in fact I had a "puncture" with the TOEFL test, so after talking to the admission team and writing them an email with my story, they allowed me to apply without a TOEFL score, take the TOEFL, and gave them my results only way later.

    Tip – I was recommended by an Alumnus of LBS, so they waived the 140 Pounds application fee (marginal when comparing to the full fee, but still nice).

    2. I was notified that I was selected to an interview the night before the deadline for answers (Looks like they do this on every deadline).

    3. Interview:
    Interview arrangements:
    You will be sent an email with your designated interviewer and it will be your responsibility to schedule the interview by the deadline LBS will give you.

    The interviewer will be familiar with your application and apart from Why MBA? Why us? Why now? Expect to be asked about specific experiences e.g.:
    – examples of leadership and group dynamics related you have had from your work and life experience
    – description of your industry and its challenges ;

    At the end of the interview you will be given an impromptu topic for an ad-hoc short presentation – a little similar to the argument essay in the GMAT.

    4. I got an offer in email, and a package was sent home (with some nice marketing material, and the London "timeout" magazine), and the offer was valid for 4 weeks (by than I had to pay a commitment fee).

    Hope this answers your questions – let me know if you want more and I will contact you via email


    מספר הפוסטים: 57

    To: All

    Hello London Business School prospect students of sep 2006 (MBA2008 and MIF2007).

    As far as I know there are 4 more MBA candidates (other than me) and 1 MIF, and at least one of us is going to the admit weekend in London this weekend (not me…)

    I suggest we meet sometime in May/June to get to know one another and discuss the pre-arrival arrangements. We may be able to save some time and money doing so and perhaps even have some fun.

    I have the contacts info of two of you, but others are still missing. If you do not want to share them over the forum, feel free to email me at:

    [email protected]

    מספר הפוסטים: 39

    To: All

    Here is reply to my question about minimum TOEFL requirment in LBS:

    "….. As you know, proficiency in speaking, writing and reading English is
    essential if you are to get the most from the MBA. However, a low TOEFL
    score does not deny you admission, nor does a higher score guarantee you
    a place. We use an assortment of assessment methods including essays,
    TOEFL, GMAT, university transcripts, references, and interview (if selected). Generally speaking, we look for 280 and above.

    I hope the above information is useful.

    Best regards,

    MBA Information Officer
    London Business School
    Regent's Park
    NW1 4SA
    United Kingdom"

    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: austinpowers_2

    So there was an Israeli here in open weekend?? I was looking at name tags for 2 days and couldn't find any…

    Let me know how I can help with your relocation :-)


    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: All

    מי אמר שה-FT לא מתעסק בדברים החשובים באמת??


    הייתי שם והיה מד-הים!!!

    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: All

    U color=#0000ff http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3071581571603327832/U

    A cool video: a day in the life of an MBA student @ LBS (for those of you who missed the premier in Admit's Weekend)

    מספר הפוסטים: 60

    To: dalit

    Hi Dalit,

    Thanks for the video. It seems like you guys really enjoy the benefits of this one of a kind city, though do you mind elaborting a bit about the advantages of LBS in comparison with other programs in Europe?




    What's the latest about Rooney's foot? Will he make it?!

    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: Laker

    According to the latest news – he was seen kicking a ball… looking good :-)

    You can imagine what is the real challenge in such a diverse environment: to choose the right team to support. France? Argentina? Italy? England? I guess I will need a different outfit for every match, depends on in which house I am going to watch it…

    As for the advantages over other programs in Europe:

    First – Location… can't bit the location.

    Second – 2 year program. You have enough time to do everything you want.

    Third – diverse student body (my class: 325 ppl, 57 countries…)

    מספר הפוסטים: 1

    To: dalit


    thanks for all you comments here. Can you share you recruiting experience at LBS and where you are going for the summer ?



    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: nonoe

    I am not sure what you mean by recruiting experience… I can only tell you that I am interested in 'industry" jobs: I had around 10 different interviews in the specific areas I was looking into, around 3 consulting interviews.

    I am ending up somewhere in Europe (not the UK), in the healthcare industry, in a marketing position.

    Is this answering your question?

    מספר הפוסטים: 200

    To: dalit

    Dont tell me they shipped you to Switzerland…..
    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: LPOW

    I guess I am shipping myself :-)

    All "they" are doing is paying for it

    מספר הפוסטים: 200

    To: dalit

    Good luck – Switzerland is an interesting place to be :)
    מספר הפוסטים: 60

    To: dalit


    Those are some major advanages in comparison to the other european programs.

    As for the team – It should be obvious. Come on England!!!

    As someone who studies in the UK, you MUST support Rooney, Becks and co. Let's hope all goes well this time around…


    מספר הפוסטים: 57

    To: austinpowers_2

    Hi, I am refreshing this call for a meeting of London Business School prospect students of sep 2006 (MBA2008).

    As far as I know there are 3 (including myself) that accepted the offer (or 99% in) and I think there are 2 more that got an offer.

    I suggest we meet sometime in mid June to get to know one another and discuss the pre-arrival arrangements. We may be able to save some time and money doing so (and perhaps even have some fun).

    I am missing the contacts of two of you. If you do not want to share them over the forum, feel free to email me at:

    [email protected]/SPAN

    And let me backup my colleagues about supporting England – we can do it after watching the England vs. Switzerland game on 21/6 :-)

    מספר הפוסטים: 52

    To: All

    London leads drive to hire MBAs

    By Della Bradshaw

    Published: July 2 2006 18:28

    The streets of London are paved with gold, or so the saying goes; and this year MBA graduates from across Europe are hoping to find their fortunes in the city.

    The City of London is drawing in the brightest and best of this year’s graduating classes. The starting salaries for London Business School graduates going into finance are £58,000 – with sign-on bonuses of up to £20,000 on top of that and annual bonuses depending on a firm’s performance.

    It is a similar deal for graduates from Iese Business School in Barcelona. Salaries for those going into investment banking average around €100,000 (£69,000). According to Alex Herrera, director of career services at Iese: “For us, London is giving the highest salaries.”

    At Insead, near Paris, “it has been an incredible year for recruitment, particularly in finance, which has increased by 10 per cent, driven by London,” says Claire LeCoq, director for MBA career services.

    Across the European investment banking industry, MBA recruitment is up significantly, says Alison Trauttmansdorff, head of graduate recruitment for Europe at Goldman Sachs. “MBA hiring is up on average in the industry by 30-50 per cent in comparison with last year.” Although Goldman Sachs recruits MBAs for London, Zurich and Frankfurt, the vast majority are for the London office, says Ms Trauttmansdorff.

    Thiri Mon is one of hundreds of graduates who have been attracted to the City. Originally from Myanmar (formerly Burma), Ms Mon graduated from LBS this year. She is now considering a job offer from Morgan Stanley to work in fixed income securitisation. She was offered the job following her summer internship with the firm, which she and many of her fellow LBS students viewed with trepidation. “When we were going into the summer internship – 60 or 65 of us went into the City – there was a lot of anticipation. More than half of us had never worked in the City before,” she says. “But I found it so energetic. Post-MBA is one of the few chances you get to change careers. I want to be challenged.”

    Although Ms Mon has not approached any other City firms since her internship, she says several of those she considered for an internship position last summer have approached her again this summer with a view to hiring her.

    It is not just European graduates that are feeling the lure of London’s bright lights. Columbia Business School in New York reports London is also popular with its students – it is the second largest city in terms of alumni for the school.

    Like many MBA career services directors in the US, Columbia’s Regina Resnick reports that while the European market is being driven by an upsurge in investment banking recruitment, it is the return of management consultants that is shaping the scene in the US. A recent consulting forum at the school was attended by 22 firms – from the likes of McKinsey to the boutiques and niche players, she says.

    At the Fuqua school at Duke University, in Durham, North Carolina, it is a similar story, says Sheryle Dirks, assistant dean for the daytime programme and director of the career management centre. “Much is driven by the resurgence in consultancy,” she says. The median salary for those graduating from Duke and moving into consulting is $110,000 (£60,500), but some alumni are earning $135,000, she says.

    At Bain & Company, David Sanderson, head of global recruiting, says Bain increased its recruitment of MBAs by 20 per cent last year and expects to do the same again this year. This means that the management consultancy is recruiting more MBAs these days than in the recruiting heyday of 1999-2000. “These are record times; these are record numbers,” says Mr Sanderson.

    Overall, the news is loud and clear. The demand for MBAs is back with a vengeance. “It is undeniable that there is more competition for the talent coming out of business school,” says Mr Sanderson.

    Students from the top schools once again have the luxury of turning down a job. “Students are feeling a little more confident and walking away from jobs that are not a fit,” says Diane Morgan, head of careers at LBS.

    For most of the top US schools, average starting salaries are nudging the $100,000 mark or have broken through the $100,000 threshold for the first time. At the MIT Sloan School of Management, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for example, graduates received an average salary this year of $103,000 and 92 per cent of students had a job offer on graduation. At Duke, the average salary has gone up $10,000 from two years ago.

    In Europe there have been similar increases. The average salary for those graduating this year from London Business School is £60,000, with top average salaries for those who go into consulting of £65,000.

    Even better news for new graduates is the greater range of jobs on offer. While the finance sector and management consulting have re-established themselves as the dominant recruiters for MBAs, there is a growing interest from other industry sectors. “The most notable theme is the segmentation of the market,” says Ms Dirks.

    It is a segmentation that is both functional and geographical. At the Haas school at Berkeley in San Francisco, technology companies – the likes of Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and Ebay – have now entered the fray in an attempt to recruit MBAs. “They have learnt they have to pay six-figure sums,” says Abby Scott, executive director for MBA career services at Haas.

    Google, which MBAs voted as one of their favourite recruiters earlier this year*, has been recruiting across the US. “Google visited campus, and students met with executives,” reports Ms Resnick at Columbia. “They have raised their profile.”

    The traditional focus on US and European companies is also changing. Insead, which has campuses in France and Singapore, says 25 per cent of its students now find their first job in the Asia-Pacific region. Recruitment by Indian companies is particularly strong. “Indian companies are looking to recruit outside Indian business schools, where they have recruited in the past,” says Ms LeCoq. “They are looking to get into European markets. So they hire for India to start with and then move [the MBAs] into Europe afterwards.”

    However, for many students the salaries paid by Indian companies still do not match those paid by European or US companies, says Dora Bose, who is leaving Insead in Fontainebleau this summer to work for Standard Chartered Bank in Mumbai. When she was looking for a job, she says, her priority was to work in the banking sector in Europe or Asia and to get a job with international exposure. Standard Chartered offered her a job in consumer banking, which she was particularly interested in, and a competitive package to boot.

    While the salaries that companies must pay to attract MBAs are rocketing, there is some good news for business. During the dotcom boom, MBAs often chased unrealistic dreams. These days, says Mr Sanderson, “students want to learn the fundamentals, how to create value in business …the investment must surely pay off.”

    מספר הפוסטים: 210

    To: dalit

    Hi Dalit,

    I was wondering if you knew about job opportunities in the biomedical industry in London (or near)? I'm inquiring for my girlfriend who is graduating from biomedical engineering in case I go to LBS. She is particularly interested in medical imaging (MRI,CT …). Do you have any idea or know where I should look/ask ?



    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: All

    Essay questions for next year are out:


    Good luck!!

    מספר הפוסטים: 9

    To: dalit

    My name is Noa Corem
    I am addressing you through the IIMBA forum with a somewhat unusual request. I work in a job placement company for senior management, ( face=Times New Roman color=#0000ff http://www.emda.com). For a strategic entrepreneurial position in an international software giant, with offices in Israel, I am looking for graduates of leading MBA programs in the U.S., with a background in the Hi-tech industry. If you know someone who might be interested in such a position, please contact me at face=Times New Roman color=#0000ff [email protected], or at +972-50-847-9094.
    I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.
    Thanks in advance,
    מספר הפוסטים: 12

    To: dalit

    Hi Dalit,

    I am currently closing my list of schools to apply to, and frankly, I was going to leave LBS out becuase of the program's length (INSEAD, IMD and maybe Oxford & Impresa are in), but I got an evaluation that I may be eligible for a scholarship in LBS which might change the situation.

    My question is – is the cost of living (married + 1) in London (during studies) significantly higher than: 1. Oxford? 2. Rest of Europe (Fontainbleu, Luzanne, Madrid)? and do you have an estimation of living costs for a family for ~1.5 years.



    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: ylange

    Hi Yuval,

    First I think that when thinking about a 1 or 2 year program, you need to consider also other things except for the cost. the main thing is the opportunity to really take the time and think about what you want to do when you grow up (for me it was he main thng I did this year. I changed about 50 careers, and managed to eliminate of my list on ly 50%… so I still have what to do next year). Other than that the opportunity to do an internship is a great great great opprtunity (did I say how great it is?). I mean, when else you will have a chance to "taste" a work place and a job for 3 months, and see if you like it or not?

    The last thing that in my case makes a 2 year program so valueable is the break of life. After 2 days in the internship most of my friends realized again why they are doing MBA… just because it is so much fun! and it's not work (well, I keep saying that I am working so much harder than I used to when I was paid, but I don't have a boss, and I choose what to do). So now that we are working it is great knowing that this is only temporary, and the fun continues in two months! You won't believe how much fun it is, and how fast time flies.

    and now, to your questions:

    I have no clue about cost of living for a couple +1 (yet). I do know that as a couple we spend around 2500£ incl. rent per month. It's a lot, but, I have to say we are "living" so much more than we used to when we were home. We are going out a lot, drink a lot, eat in nice restaurant… and it is London, so shopping is also part of our expenses ;-)

    I have no clue about costs of living in other places, except for Lausanne, where I spend the summer. Food is at least as expensive as London. Transportation as well (I would say you must get a car there).

    One more thing: PLEASE think about your partner when making the decision. Will your partner have the same opportunities in any of these places as she will have in london (language, thngs to do after work, weekends, etc.). You are going to be VERY VERY busy. I can tell you (and this is my own personal opinion) that I found Lausanne boring. There is a lot to do n the weekends, around town, but during the week I feel like i will die there and nobody will notice (this is my personal view. but I am a VERY VERY urbanic person).

    I hope I helped…


    מספר הפוסטים: 5

    To: dalit

    Hi Dalit,

    I intent to apply for LBS soon. As to the CV, do you know whether they have a standard format for that?


    מספר הפוסטים: 785

    To: dalit

    Thanks for the update – I've been waiting for at least 2 months for these to come out!
    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: epony

    Sure… I am happy I was able to help (just remind me what did I do??:-))

    מספר הפוסטים: 785

    To: dalit

    Reffered us to the LBS MBA Blog – I was starting to get nervous about when the new essay questions will be published…
    מספר הפוסטים: 323

    To: All

    אני מאוד מקווה שתסלח לי דלית על כך שאני מפרסמת את זה פה ולא היא, אבל קיבלתי את ההודעה למייל וחשבתי שבטוח עוד אנשים מעוניינים אז בבקשה:

    London Business School in Tel Aviv

    Thursday, 28 September 2006, 18.30-20.00

    Meet with London Business School Alumni and Students

    We are delighted to announce that London Business School representatives will be hosting an MBA Information Session in Tel Aviv on Thursday, 28 September.

    The event will be hosted by current student Dalit Talmor (MBA2007) and London Business School alumni. The evening will begin with a presentation covering admissions requirements, course content, the career benefits of an MBA and our London advantage. This will be followed by a question and answer session, and a chance to chat with current students over light refreshments.

    Event details

    Thursday, 28 September 2006, 18.30-20.00 (registration from 6pm)
    Venue information will be announced closer to the day.

    To reserve your place, either click on the link below or copy the URL into your browser –

    Choosing the right MBA programme is an important decision, so we hope that you will be able to join us at this event, and discover why we are considered by many to be the best choice for a truly international business career.

    We look forward to seeing you there!

    Kind regards,

    Cyndee Barlass

    Information Office
    Full-time MBA Programme

    London Business School
    Regent's Park
    NW1 4SA
    United Kingdom

    w: color=#990099www.london.edu
    e: color=#990099mbainfo@london.edu

    t: +44 (0)20 7706 6859
    f: +44 (0)20 7258 1765

    color=#990099Reserve my place color=#990099Website color=#990099Unsubscribe

    London experience. World impact.

    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: Limch

    סולחת, סולחת…

    I just didn't have the time to post it here… Sumemr internship, you know…

    anyway, who is coming to see me live on stage? :-D

    מספר הפוסטים: 16

    To: dalit

    Hi Dalit,

    I'll come to see you on stage- just let me know WHERE LBS is having the gathering.

    Thanks !

    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: Spock

    sign up through the link and you'll get all the details. I will post it here closer to the event.


    מספר הפוסטים: 16

    To: dalit

    Hi Dalit,

    I did register; LBS's web-site shows that the location has yet to be determined. I'd appreciate it if you could send me the details to

    [email protected]



    מספר הפוסטים: 556

    To: Spock

    It's in Tel Aviv, and due to security reasons we can't disclose it yet…

    I promise you will know where you have to be by the time of the event next month.


    מספר הפוסטים: 16

    To: dalit

    Hi Dalit,

    Thanks for the heads-up. See you in 5 weeks' time.


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