Home פורומים Admissions Chat aringo Chat Michigan MBA Chat

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  • mb108
    מספר הפוסטים: 19

    Online MBA Chat with The University of Michigan business school admission representatives:

    Al Cotrone , Director – Career Development and Academic Services

    Gwyneth Slocum Bailey, Associate Director of Admissions

    Michal Karnibad – First Year MBA student

    Location: MBA Chances, the forum system of the Israeli International MBA Association

    Host: Gilam Levi of aringo.co.il

    Time: Thursday, November 20th at 20:00

    Gilam – aringo
    מספר הפוסטים: 60

    Welcome all to the Michigan Chat of the Israeli International MBA Association. I particularly want to welcome:

    Mr. Al Cotrone, Director of Career Development and Academic Services

    Ms. Gwyneth Slocum Bailey, Associate Director of Admissions

    and Michal Karnibad, a first year MBA student at Michigan.

    מספר הפוסטים: 7

    Hi Gilam, How are you?al.

    Gilam – aringo
    מספר הפוסטים: 60

    Thank you all for joining us today. This is your chance to ask questions about Michigna's program, admissions policies, career opportunities, and student life.

    Gilam – aringo
    מספר הפוסטים: 60

    Please remember to click "REFRESH CHAT" (or press "F5"/refresh every few seconds), to see new posts.

    Chat rules reminder:

    1. Each forum member may post up to 50 messages and replies per chat. You may refer a question to any of the participants and may reply to their answers.

    2. Posts are screened and are uploaded gradually. Therefore, you may see your post only after a while.

    3. Preference is given to questions that use the member name over questions that are posted under "undisclosed member".

    4. You may call the admission committee members by their first name (some people asked about this).

    5. The chat is in English and lasts about 60 minutes.

    מספר הפוסטים: 7

    In reply to Gilam – aringo from November 20 2003

    Thank you Gilam, it's great to be with you, thanks for hosting us.al.

    Gilam – aringo
    מספר הפוסטים: 60

    Hi Al, great to "see you" here! I am all well, looking forward to an interesting chat with one of the World's best b-schools!

    Gilam – aringo
    מספר הפוסטים: 60

    Let me kick off our discussion with a first question:

    Gwyneth and Al, it is great to have you here this evening (or, should I say "afternoon"). Any significant change that you can share with us regarding Michigan's MBA admission policies this year?

    מספר הפוסטים: 24

    Hello, this is Gwyneth Slocum Bailey, Associate Director of Admissions at the University of Michigan Business School. Thanks for joining in today's chat. With me are Al Cotrone, Director of the Office of Career Development, and three students from Israel, who will introduce themselves>

    מספר הפוסטים: 24

    In reply to Gilam – aringo from November 20 2003

    We completely re-did our essay questions this year to reflect Michigan's core strengths; otherwise, the process is similar. g.

    מספר הפוסטים: 24

    In reply to Gilam – aringo from November 20 2003

    Greetings, this is Gwyneth Slocum Bailey in the Admissions office, along with three students from Israel. Thanks for joining today's chat about Michigan.

    מספר הפוסטים: 4

    Hi Gwyneth & Gilam,

    Does Michigam Ad Comm release decisions in a certain date or on a every day when decisions are made ?

    מספר הפוסטים: 24

    We have three decision rounds with deadlines:: Nov 1, 2003, Jan 7 and March 1. Decisions for each round are releaded on the same day.

    מספר הפוסטים: 5

    Hi and thank you all for your time and effort.

    I have a few questions to address:

    1. Could you please tell what are the outstanding qualities about the Michigan experience and what is most unique in Michigan's full-time MBA program in comparison to other schools' programs?

    2. Michigan is known for its strength in general management, yet I am interested in pursuing a major in Financing. Can you tell about the advantages of this major over other schools

    3. I am married (plus a little girl). My spouse will need to find a job during my studies. Do you know to tell about work opportunities in or around Michigan? (he is a marketing person in the communication area and an MBA graduate by himself)

    4. What is the GMAT average of your students and what is the weight of a low GMAT score?

    Your answer are much appreciated, thanks.

    Gilam – aringo
    מספר הפוסטים: 60

    Sorry, my computer had a little glitch… Michal, note that it takes a bit of time for your post to come – posts are uploaded gradually…

    מספר הפוסטים: 24

    Michal – 3 main distinctives come to mind:

    1.. First, we offer best-of-class training in all disciplines and functional areas — from finance and marketing to strategy and entrepreneurial studies….

    מספר הפוסטים: 24

    2. Second, Michigan excels at fusing theory (core skills) with practice (hands-on opportunities). Multidisciplinary Action Projects — domestic, international and entrepreneurially focused assignments serve as the capstone experience for first-year MBA students; and …

    מספר הפוסטים: 24

    . Third, The University of Michigan Business School is part of one of the world’s great universities, with breadth and quality matched by very few institutions anywhere. Our students can do dual degrees, and/or take 10 credits outside the b-school to talke advantage of cross sampus opporunities.

    מספר הפוסטים: 24

    The top area that our 2003 grad went into was Finance, both Wall Street and Corporate…

    מספר הפוסטים: 4

    Hi Gilam – How are You ?

    Gwyneth and Al, what can you tell us about improving our chances after submitting the app. and while waiting for Michigan's response ?

    Is there a special "Michigan Ad Comm" way of testing the app. ? What special points Michigan emphasizes ?

    מספר הפוסטים: 24

    We have alumni at every major bank on Wall Street who are eager to assist our students. We have a Wall Street Forum each year in New York to bring our students together with Wall Street opportunities.

    מספר הפוסטים: 14

    1. The B-school program here is just part of your experience. Ann Arbor is a college town. Since the university is one of the largests in the US, you get to know many students from different places and backgrounds.

    Ann Arobr Is fun!!!

    2. The Finance club here is the second in size (after the Consulting club). Most of second years who were interested in finance got summer internships in Wall Street and say the preparation in the school was great.

    3. My wife does not work, but I can tell you that my kids (my daughter is almost 3 and my son in 9 months) have a great time here.

    Gilam – aringo
    מספר הפוסטים: 60

    Hi Tomer, thanks for joining! You are a second-year MBA student, right?

    Undisclosed Member
    מספר הפוסטים: 48

    Q: How many Israelis did you admit last year?

    מספר הפוסטים: 3

    Hello, this is Ami Treves, second year MBA student, joining the chat.

    מספר הפוסטים: 14

    In reply to Gilam – aringo from November 20 2003

    I am an MBA1.

    Undisclosed Member
    מספר הפוסטים: 48

    Is there such a thing as too much professional experience? Is being older and more experienced than the average student a disdvantage?

    מספר הפוסטים: 24

    We had about 25 applications from the Middle East, mostly from Israel. We have 3 in the Class of 2005; more were admitted but chose either another school or to stay at work. Off hand, I'd say the acceptance rate for Israeli's is better than the overall average admit rate.

    מספר הפוסטים: 24

    Our average work full time work experience is five years. We are looking at career trajectory and development…

    מספר הפוסטים: 7

    In reply to Undisclosed Member from November 20 2003

    I'll let Gwyneth answer on the "too much experience" question as it relates to admissions.

    In regard to the career search, it will be something that we can discuss so that you control the interviewer's impression. Some interviewers may desire someone with less experience. If so, by acknowledging that you understand this reservation, but that it doesn't really apply to you, the hesitation can be overcome.al.

    מספר הפוסטים: 24

    Students are working as teams on a project. It's a key draw to Michigan's program, espeically since it gives international students the opporutnity to work with a company in the US, if that is where they choose to do this.

    מספר הפוסטים: 3

    In reply to Undisclosed Member from November 20 2003

    Depends what you consider older.

    I came to Michigan with 10 years of professional experience and it has only been to my advantage.

    I feel that with my experience I’m gaining much more out of every course than some of my younger classmates that don’t have this real business life experience.


    מספר הפוסטים: 24

    It's important for each applicant, regardless of experience, to understand how Michigan's program fits with his/her level of experience and what he/she wants to get out of the program. Our signature hands-on program called Multidisciplinary Action Projects takes place at the end…

    מספר הפוסטים: 4

    Hi Gwyneth,

    During University time I had the oportunity to join a well known financial firm in Israel and to launch my own company. The outcome was a professional success while having a low GPA.

    Michigan is my first priority – what is your advice on the way to attack the situation in my app. ?

    מספר הפוסטים: 24

    Hi, Gidi –

    You can explain your situation in the "optional essay" provided at the end.

    Also, highlight your professional successes.

    In addition, a strong GMAT, which is the other piece of the academic side we have to look at, can help overcome an earlier undergrad weakness.

    מספר הפוסטים: 24

    Regarding the finance orientation of Michigan U. – Does the caliber of your proffesors help in finding jobs in Wall st. ? Do you have statistics regarding % of graduates who find work in finance after graduation?

    מספר הפוסטים: 24

    Another comment on Admissions and the process: Michigan interviews applicants at the start of the process, so it's up to the applicant to set this up. We do have alumni interviewers in Israel, and you can find them on our website.

    מספר הפוסטים: 4

    First I would like to send my best wishes to Roy (a first year student at UMBS)

    What is the total # of app. this year while compared to last year ?


    מספר הפוסטים: 24

    What do you mean by strong GMAT? 700 720 740 760? What is the GMAT average in Michigan?

    מספר הפוסטים: 7

    In reply to marco from November 20 2003


    All of our Employment Statistics for the Class of 2003 are available on line at our web site. You can learn quite a bit from there. Finance hiring has been down overall the last two years, and especially last year. This year is a refreshing return to a higher level of interest from the Wall St. firms.

    Just last Thursday, we hosted a reception in New York which was attended by over 200 people including 100 or so of our alumni. Two of our faculty members joined us.

    I wouldn't say that faculty members acutally secure employment for our students, but there are opportunities through the standard interview process to be hired.

    מספר הפוסטים: 24

    Average GMat for the Class of 2005 is 692. That average is up from the previous year.

    מספר הפוסטים: 14

    In reply to marco from November 20 2003

    1. The leading Finance prof. here, Gautam Kaul, came from Chicago. He is one of the leading prof. in the field.

    2. Every year we have the Wall Street forum. First year students get to go to Wall Street and meet all the big I-Banks.

    3. Comparing to friends in other schools, our finance level matches even the "Finance" schools like Chicago GSB.

    Undisclosed Member
    מספר הפוסטים: 48


    Can my recommender send his recommendation directly to you, since he is leaving in the US? And can he write his recommendation in a format of complete letter as long as he will answer all the questions, or he has to do it in a format of separate answer to every question. Can he submit his letter online?

    Thanks you.

    מספר הפוסטים: 24

    re: application volume: We've only had one application deadline so far, and the numbers are down slightly. This may reflect the fact that our new essay qeustions came out at the end of summer, so some people wanted more time to work on the apps.

    Also, with regard to the Class of 2005 apps:The Graduate Management Admissions Council did an application-trends survey that showed volume down 10% to 30%around the country. We were around 13% to 15% down for the Class of 2005. Granted, that's off a record high the year before. So keepthat in context. And we still saw applicants of amazing quality, just fewer than last year.

    Gilam – aringo
    מספר הפוסטים: 60

    Guys, many undisclosed members today… so let me try this question:

    Gwyneth, if a candidate is using a chat like this to ask questions and show interest under his/her real name, could it help their chances?

    Undisclosed Member
    מספר הפוסטים: 48

    How do you look at a candidate that improved his GMAT score? Do you look at the last one (the highest one) only or do you also take into consideration the previous lower scores?

    מספר הפוסטים: 24

    If your recommender prefers to send the letter to us directly, that is fine; just make sure he/she makes it clear who you are.

    Rec letters can be submitted online via Embark.

    A letter format is fine. Sometimes recommenders mark the paragraphs with the question numbers; other times not. It is helpful if your recommender covers the key issues raised by the questions, regardless of the format.


    מספר הפוסטים: 14

    For those of you interested in consulting.

    We have all the big firms recruiting here on campus: McKinsey, Bain, Booz, BCG, A.T.Kearney, Deloitt Consulting and more.

    I have had the opportunity to represent the school in the A.T. Kearney Global prize case competition against HBS, Wharton, Kellogg, Ivey, Columbia, and Chicago. We won 1st prize 2 years ago and second prize last year.

    The consulting club is the biggest club in the B-School here. We have case workshops and interview preparations.

    מספר הפוסטים: 7

    In reply to Gilam – aringo from November 20 2003

    I believe that we view these forums as a great way for students to get an honest answer to questions they may have about Michigan. Questions asked sincerely are not frowned upon.

    Of course, eventually, the Ad Comm has to get to know a lot of people and make some difficult decisions, so the sooner we get started knowing people, the better we will know them at decision time.al.

    מספר הפוסטים: 14


    It is Michal.

    As someone that had several GMATs I can tell you that the school use the highest GMAT score

מוצגות 50 תגובות – 1 עד 50 (מתוך 70 סה״כ)
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