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Welcome new comers to the forum
thanks for Hadar to be the first to join and to Roy for establishing the forumhope to see some corespondent
AssafI decided I would be the first to utlize this forum
and start a thread.I was WL at HBS yesterday, and was hoping for any insights, ideas,
thoughts and experiences you might have on the matter of how to
imporve my chances.Thanks
AssafHave everyone seen the new MBA rankings in US News?
Check them out at:
Hi Edna,is it the new 2003 version – because it's exactly like the previous ranking and dataalsosend my regards to Barak Platt and Barryfrom Assaf – Intel CapitalAAssaf,
I also noticed similarity but according to the web site it is the
2003 version…I'll pass your regards to Barak (Barry is in Jerusalem and I don't
see him that much).Those of you who can't operate the link, try using this one:
I also noticed similarity but according to the web site it is the
2003 version…I'll pass your regards to Barak (Barry is in Jerusalem and I don't
see him that much).SCRIPT>SCRIPT>
Kids …
We already have 5 e-mails in my e-mail box and it is not even 9am.
If it going to be 'business week # 2' thread for prospective students … I am
sure that most current student will drop out since we have tons of e-mails
coming up anyway and we wish to limit spams. BusinessWeek can serve the purpose
of the last 3 e-mails.… if you think I am wrong … please let me know
p.s. make it 6 e-mails …
SCRIPT>Any news about the loan from Isaeli banks?
Any news about the loan from Isaeli banks?
Next week or the following week there should be a meeting with Bank's
Leumi credit manager and Private Clientle manager regarding the
subject.Nachshon (who is currently in the US) is trying to arrange a deal
with Bank Mizrachi.And we started working on another front with FIBI.
Any other ideas and contact would be highly welcomed.
also could eerybody please send me the loan terms their schools offer
so we would have more info regarding the preffered terms we would ask
AssafSCRIPT>Thanks to Moti Rafalin from HBS
we now have an idea of how our forum should look like.
you can take a look at the Italian equivlent venture.
face=Miriam Fixed color=#0000ffhttp://www.nova-mba.org/english/mission.aspI want to push this thing forward and start by establishing a website.
If there is anyone with some experience in building a website please
contact me.
I also want to move this thing forward faster, I want to arrange a
meeting next week with whoever wishes to lend a hand.Feel free to call me
054 208220A question to current students or alumnis that had families while in
school – What have you done for health insurance for you families?
It seems that David Shield is a monopoly in this area…Roy SCRIPT>
To the best of my knowledge, most schools insure both students and families. You don’t have to worry about that until after you graduate.
The health insurance cost is extra in many schools (if not all). The
student is usually subsidized, but the cost for the dependents is
usually not competitive – so alternatives might be better.Roy
Hi Roy-
You can extend the health insurance so it will apply for your spouse
as well (works with Blue Shield at HBS).Gal
SCRIPT>Hi all,
In order to control and improve the forum
we need School Moderators.Each school will be assigned a volunteer moderator.
School moderators will approve pending memberships of people from
their school and would represent, cultivate and maintain their
schools involvment with the forum.I am looking for moderators from each school- please let me know if
you are willing to become one.
AssafSCRIPT>Hi Assaf,
I am willing to be the representative of INSEAD.Avital
At 08:26 08/04/03 +0000, you wrote:
Hi all,
In order to control and improve the forum
we need School Moderators.Each school will be assigned a volunteer moderator.
School moderators will approve pending memberships of people from
their school and would represent, cultivate and maintain their
schools involvment with the forum.I am looking for moderators from each school- please let me know if
you are willing to become one.
AssafSCRIPT>Hi Assaf,
Since at the moment I am the only Israeli at Tuck next year, I guess the
options for a Tuck moderator are rather limited… Hopefully Eyal Megged
will also be admitted and you'll have a more worthy candidate…Regardless, I will gladly be school moderator.
Hi man,
You can count on my help for the forum, as a moderator
or anything else…SCRIPT>Hi Assaf-
I will be the HBS rep.
Hi all,
in order to move forward the loan programs
we need to get the US News 2001 and 2002 reports
in particular the employment statsif anyone have either the magazine (hard copy)
or the full version (on line) then we need you to send it
Nahashon and AssafThanks
SCRIPT>Band, I have the 2002 edition in a hard copy.
I can either fax you the related part on Sunday, or give you the magazine during the weekend.
SCRIPT>Which shipping company is recommended for shipping from Israel to the
US?I have heard of Oceanus. Does anyone know about other companies?
Can anyone recommend which is the best?Jay
I have to get started with the moving process.
Does anybody know how to speed the WL process. They say the give
answers until the first week of school.
I would appreciate any tips of how to get in from the WL.
Thank you.SCRIPT>
Hi all,
first thanks to all the people who attended the first meeting of the
Topics that were brought up:
1) Update regarding the loans- Nachshon and Roy would team up for a
meeting later this week with Bank Mizrachi, Bank Leumi is also
showing slow but steady progress.
2) Forum vision and direction- I suggest to all the people who
haven't seen the format of the Italian forum to look at it (It's in
one of the messages and its too late for me now to check which one).
*) We need ideas and directions for the way the forum should look
like and how we should proceed.
*) Webpage SWAT team would be made out of Yinon,Roni and Udi (anyone
else is invited, Roni you see I was able to LESANJER you at the end).3) Pre-MBA updates- *) Lap-Top deal would be posted on the web later
this week or early next week.
*) Visas explanation – Moran would set a meeting.
*) Moving – (the best tip to buis school according to some)- again
Moran knows the cheepest way – contact him directly for details.
*) Both Yinon and Roni have a 32Kg dogs- just thought you'd want to
know.4) Schmoozing in Barbarella – I think it was great and the overall
atmosphere was also great- next meeting we hope to see you all and we
intend to hold one by the end of May so that several 1st years would
join us and give some of their points regarding the forum.Good night to you all
sleep tight
Dear Assaf,
thanks for keeping me updated. I am in a very busy period thus I could not
attend the event but I would be more than happy to chat with u over the
phone about the issues you brought up in that mail. I am very interested in
the loan issue, in compare to the GATE loan. my cell phone is 052-476690.cheers,
SCRIPT>Hi you all,
This mail was sent to us by Moran already, but after ordering the
deal there are some slight chnages (which I corrected) in the model
type and in the extension number.As some of you may heard, IBM offers a very generous deal to buy a
ThinkPad T30 laptop.This offer is targeted at Harvard university students, but you can
try your shot.Here are the computer's spec and the toll free # to order it:
Model: 2366-HU9 (the model is important and probably used to identify
the Harvard students)
Type: T30
CPU/GHz: P4/2.0
Memory: 512
Hard Disk: 40 GB
Screen: 14.1 inches XGA
Weight: 5.6
Battery: 3 hours
Ultrabay: DVD, CD-RW, combo 16X
Other features: wireless, Ethernet card, Modem,
Security, Touchpad
Warranty: 3 yrs
OS: XP ProfessionalPrice: $1297
Toll #: 1-800 656 0833 ext. 6146/6036
Happy Passover and good luck
I guess I don't have the most updated student contacts Excel file,
because I don't have Moran's number.
Can you send me both ?Moran,
If you're reading this – please contact me at:
03-5276115 (or 055-9805523 if not at first number).Thanks,
Sivan.Hi all,
we have arranged a meeting with a moving company
that would help all who are intrested in moving staff to the US
and Europe
the company was chosen after a thorough market research by our lovely
Wharton fellow RoniThe meeting would take place this on the following Sunday the 27th
at 20:00
we are currently looking for a location to hold the meeting
so anyone who have an idea please contact mefurther instructions would follow
SCRIPT>Technical Specifications
Product Description IBM ThinkPad T30 2366 – P4-M 2 GHz – 14.1" TFT
Recommended Use Small business, corporate business
Dimensions (WxDxH) 3 12 in x 9.8 in x 1.5 in
Weight 2 5.5 lbs
Localization English / United States
Processor 1 Intel Pentium 4-M 2 GHz
Cache Memory 512 KB – L2 cache – Advanced Transfer Cache
RAM 512 MB (installed) / 1 GB (max) – DDR SDRAM – DDR266/PC2100 – 133 MHz
Storage Hard Drive 1 x 40 GB – internal
Optical Storage CD-RW / DVD-ROM Combo III Ultrabay Drive – 24x (CD) / 8x
(read) / 16x (write) / 10x (rewrite)
Display 14.1" TFT active matrix – 24-bit (16.7M colors)
Video Output Graphics card – ATI MOBILITY RADEON 7500 – 16 MB – DDR SDRAM
Audio Output Sound card – stereo – 16-bit
Telecom 4 Network / modem combo – Mini PCI – 56 Kbps
Networking Network adapter – Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Wireless IEEE
802.11b Integrated
Input Device Keyboard, UltraNav TouchPad, TrackPoint
Power AC 100/240 V ( 50/60 Hz )
Battery 1 (installed) / 2 (max) – lithium ion
Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Professional / preinstalled
Manufacturer Warranty 3 years warranty
SCRIPT>What about:
IEGMA – Israeli Elite Global MBA Association; or
ENIGMA – Elite New Israeli Global MBA Association.Chag Sameach,
AvitalSCRIPT>For my two cents, I think including the word 'Top' in the name might come
off as a bit flotzy.How about: SIMBA – Society of Israeli MBAs
SInce the name will serve as our domain name, I suggest an easier to locate and
understand names then the proposed acronyms. How about the following names,
based on the already suggested acronyms:TIMBA – Top Israeli MBA (have MBA appear completly in the name)
IIMBA – International Israeli MBA Association
InternationalIsraeliMBA – no shortcuts or acronyms.Nir SCRIPT>
The word Top should not be part of the name. We aim to ultimately
represent all MBA students, regardless of the institution. I think that
the second to last version is best, with a slight modification: Israel
and not Israeli. IMA= The Israel MBA Association.David.
SCRIPT>I would tend to go with IMA – Israeli MBA Association.
The "top" thing could be problematic down the road – What is "top"?
According to who/which ranking? Why? What happens to a school that drops
from the "top" as defined?…. Many many more could be asked, and some
people could get offended.
Limor (MIT Sloan, 2004)SCRIPT>
Below please find several links regarding valuble visa information.
Additionally, I uploaded in the Files Section pdf files regarding
visas, buying a car and the US credit systems.face=Miriam Fixed color=#0000ffhttp://www.ynet.co.il/home/1,7340,L-1303-6919,00.html
face=Miriam Fixed color=#0000ffhttp://www.tapuz.co.il/tapuzforum/main/anashim.asp?id=456&pass=1
face=Miriam Fixed color=#0000ffhttp://www.ksvisa.co.il/pages/general/publication.html#
face=Miriam Fixed color=#0000ffhttp://foreignborn.com/
face=Miriam Fixed color=#0000ffhttp://travel.state.gov/visa;exchange.html
Hi All,
As promised (by a former message) the meeting with the moving
guy will be held this Sunday (the 27th) at 20:00 in
Zellermayer Philosoph law offices (on Petach Tikva Road) in Tel-Aviv
for specific directions call Udi (050 307139- udi sorry for the
sinjur)hope to see all that are intrested (we'll arrange a summary of the
meeting on the forum later)
APS Orern- tell Yael she's more than welcome to come
Hi everybody
About the name – it must have a distinguishing element that
characterizes us as israeli mba student who goes abroad to study.
i.e. – IMBAA – Israeli MBA's Abroad.
Otherwise the name will have nothing with us – there are thousands of
Israeli MBA students here.Cheers.
Hi Everyone,
First let me say that I think the initiative of setting up this
mailing list, and an organization such as that of the Italians
(NOVA), is a great idea. I saw the Poll on the name and I have a
couple of suggestions:I think the most obvious name would be IMA (Israeli MBA Association),
but I am a bit concerned by the similarity with the Hebrew IMA +
MUM… do we want to get it even worse, then let's call it IIMA!!!When the Italian picked up the name NOVA, they wanted to give it a
broader meaning: they wanted to promote the idea of getting an MBA in
the US/INSEAD. NOVA means NEW, in Italian. The name sounds
interesting, although noone (me included) knows what the letters
stand for exactgly and how do they relate to the MBA concept.I haven't given much thought to a new name, but I would suggest to
create something better than IMA.Thanks and sorry for the long email.
Take care,
SCRIPT>Hi all,
the idea with the poll was to reach a conclusion
regarding the name, and not to start a lengthy debate
I am aware of the fact that everyone has his take on the matter.
We tried to take all that into consideration when we chose the
different names to be included in the poll.
If you want to make a difference please vote
the poll would be closed on the 27th
A SCRIPT>Hi all,
recently I was going through different forums
to gather some info for ours, and discovered that someone had
posted part of the excel that we made (the one with our contacts)
in one of these forums.
Please notice, that the database is for OUR use, people had included
in there contacts that they might not want people they don't know to
have.In addition, some people received recruiting offers, and they didn't
understand how the recruiters got their contacts.PLEASE, PLEASE keep the database confidential and ask people's
permission before you give their contacts to anyone.A
SCRIPT>SCRIPT>For those who wish to attend in the meeting today at Zellermayer,
Pelossof & Co.'s offices, a map (including road instruction) is
available at the following link:face=Miriam Fixed color=#0000ffhttp://www.zelpel.com/contact.asp
For the lazzy ones – its at The Rubinstein House, 12 fl., 20 Lincoln
St. Tel-Aviv 67134 Israel.Hi all,
I've posted in the "Links" department some info I received about
scholarships/loans. good luck in search of the money!Shmulik
Hi everyone,
I was recently introduced to the group and I must say that I am
impressed by the activities and initiatives taken so far.As someone who is graduating from Fuqua in 10 days I would like to
see more participation on behalf of current students, but I am sure
that as the message goes out to people, many more would join.One suggestion if I may – it is imperative for this group to create a
database of where people spend their summer internship and/or full
time positions. In this way, we could exchange interview tips and be
able to create contacts with companies.I wish all the new first year students an easy transition and to
those currently in B-school a great summer.
If anyone has any questions regarding Fuqua, I'd be more than happy
to answer.Danny Teleman
Fuqua School of Business
Class of 2003 SCRIPT>Does anybody know if my wife and kids have to fill the DS-156 and DS-
158? (I have I-20 forms for them)
For those who planing to joine the Fuqua School of business at Duke
of Unc.My roommate and I are looking to sublet our apartment during the
summer. Our apartment is located in the Alexan Farms community, 5
minutes from Duke, 10 minutes from Chapel Hill, 15 minutes from RTP,
and 25 minutes from Raleigh. It was built in 2001 and is very well
maintained and is one of the safest neighborhoods in the area.Area: 1145 square feet
2 bedrooms/2 baths
Access to laundry, outdoor pool, gymnasium, business center, car-
wash, and beautiful landscaping.
Available from mid-May to mid-AugustYou can check pictures at
face=Miriam Fixed color=#0000ffhttp://home.earthlink.net/~alexanfarms/aptphoto.jpg Our apartment is
the one in the front corner, third floor. More information at
face=Miriam Fixed color=#0000ffhttp://home.earthlink.net/~alexanfarms/Rent is negotiable.
Let us know if you're interested!
email: face=Miriam Fixed color=#0000ffms72@d…
Hello All,
I'd be interested in knowing what people in Israel think of
Darden and Chicago. Are there a lot of MBA alums from
these schools? Are the brands of the schools widely
Hi Aboud,
both schools are great BUT they don't have a strong enough brand in
From the two, Chicago (I am going there) have a stronger brand,
because many people who studied Economics are familiar with the
If you are thinking on coming back to Israel after finishing your MBA
these are probably not the best schools to do so.
Naturaly, HBS, Stanford and Wharton but also Columbia and NYU
moreover, people in Israel would think that Yale is a great MBA
because of the school's great brand.
Hope it helps
SCRIPT>Flipping through the different messages, I get the impression that
people are concerned with the perceived quality in Israel of the
different MBA programs. Moreover, it seems that people are
contemplating going back to Israel at the end of their MBA.I think it's highly imperative to stress that going back to Israel at
the end of the MBA is the least desirable strategy. There is no way in
the world one would get his return on investment by earning Israeli
salary (assuming one is not going to work for his family's business or
start his own company). Further, without real experience, the value of
the MBA in the eyes of many Israeli employers would be minimal.
All those receiving an MBA in the US should work for at least 4-5
years, preferably in a well known company. That would ensure not just
that you recoup your investment, but that you have a valuable
experience on your resume that you can leverage when and if you
return. At that point no one would look at the school you came from,
but the experience you gained.
To sum, get into a school that is well recognized in the US (Top10-
15) and not necessarily in Israel and make sure you get a good job.Danny Teleman
Fuqua School of Business
Class of 2003— "awand_99" wrote:
> Hi Aboud,
> both schools are great BUT they don't have a strong enough brand in
> Israel.
> From the two, Chicago (I am going there) have a stronger brand,
> because many people who studied Economics are familiar with the
> school.
> If you are thinking on coming back to Israel after finishing your
> these are probably not the best schools to do so.
> Naturaly, HBS, Stanford and Wharton but also Columbia and NYU
> moreover, people in Israel would think that Yale is a great MBA
> because of the school's great brand.
> Hope it helps
לא פעילמאי 14, 2003 בשעה 1:11 amמספר הפוסטים: 1very nicely put…and just as a caveat, even in the states, only some jobs would make it worth while to spend all that money…
I second Danny on the Darden and Chicago issue. They are both wonderful
schools and have an excellent brand name and reputation. If you really
have a hard time deciding, I suggest you go and visit them and see where
you feel better.
The truth is that the fact that the average Israeli happens to mention
"Yale" as a top business school, doesn't give it a competitive advantage
in the executive arena. The MBA is not about a brand name, it's about
the experience and what you do with the experience. For that reason
there is no real difference in which of the top schools you go to. It's
important that you go to a school that you feel comfortable with the
area you live in, the people you learn with and the prof. you learn
from. All the other things really don't matter.
In any case, good luck wherever you decide to go!SCRIPT>
- יש להתחבר למערכת על מנת להגיב.