מוצגות 50 תגובות – 51 עד 100 (מתוך 150 סה״כ)
  • מאת
  • zalexis
    מספר הפוסטים: 16

    To: All

    Shalom to all NYU students.

    As I mentioned in my previous post I will be visiting NYU Jan 10-13.

    Can anyone of the students who stayed in the city during that period to meet me there for a short rendezvous at campus?

    Thanks a lot.


    מספר הפוסטים: 32

    To: zalexis


    In Stern, school starts only in Jan 22nd, so you won't see any classes, you should definitely make the tour and I can meet you in one of the days you are in town. Send me an email with optional times to [email protected]

    Good luck,


    מספר הפוסטים: 267

    To: Hoffmann, All, Yael RS

    Anybody hear from NYU R1?

    Any Israeli interview invites out yet?

    I'm still hoping…


    מספר הפוסטים: 32

    To: JoeCool


    Several Israelis already received interview invitations. However, the admissions are sending more invitations on a rolling basis every day this month.

    Good luck,

    מספר הפוסטים: 267

    To: Hoffmann

    Thanks Udi.

    Since posting my previous message I received an invite to interview myself, however did not hear of any others.


    מספר הפוסטים: 1

    To: JoeCool

    Hi AZ,

    I just got an interview invitation myself

    However, they asked me to come to Stern or one of their off-site locations for the interview

    Is it the same in your case?

    If so, what have you done?

    Do you (or any body else around here) know how they treat those who waive the interview option?



    מספר הפוסטים: 267

    To: zivon

    Congrats on the interview invite!

    I also was faced with those options and requested an off-campus interview in London. However, they cannot guarrantee an interview to everyone that requests one off-campus.

    I am waiting to hear from them.

    I guess you need input from those admitted about waiving the interview, but i would imagine that it is not a good move as it might seem that you don;t really want to go to NYU…

    Good luck,


    מספר הפוסטים: 20

    To: All

    I had an interview at NYU last week. It was pretty cool and the staff at the school was very nice.

    I got the impression that they take their interviews quite seriously. NYU stresses its tight community so I could understand why they're reluctant to interview off-campus. I think that making the effort to go interview in NY shows interest in the school (and don't forget that you can also attend classes and an info session while your there.)

    מספר הפוסטים: 16

    To: Hoffmann, All, N_Pielet

    Hi, Udi & Nili.

    First, I'd like to thank you for meeting me their in NYU and showing aroung.

    Nili, Thank you for taking me to a lecture. It was an interesting experience attending a lecture in "Financial Reports Analysis" (correct me if I am wrong). I just hope that next time I take this course I will understand a bit more. :)

    Udi, Thanks for the coffee and the long conversation we had. You had patience to answer all the questions I askes. (There were quite a few.:)

    Second, I got an invitation to an interview from NYU yesterday. According to the e-mail I have to register via the Internet site. Unfortunately, I did not find their an option to have an intervire in Israel. The closest place off-campus is London. Can you suggest what else I can do or the only way is to sign up for interview there?

    Thank you very much.

    Appreciate your help.


    מספר הפוסטים: 32

    To: zivon, zalexis

    Ziv, Alex,

    Congratulations on your interview invitations!

    Stern regards the interviews very seriously and does not allow alumni to conduct the interviews in Israel. I never heard of anyone who got accepted without an interview so I do not recommend waiving an interview.

    The interview signals that you have great chances to get in; I recommend doing it in NY and using this opportunity to visit school and check if it fits you. I also know several students who interviewed in London so if you want to save a bit, it is possible.

    Best of luck,

    מספר הפוסטים: 32

    To: maroni


    Thursday is a good day, Friday is not recommended since there are no classes. Make sure you plan to attend the info session (Mon-Thurs at 4:30, no registration required).
    Shoot me an email several days before and I will meet you and connect you to other students.

    Good luck,
    מספר הפוסטים: 68

    To: All

    I also got an interview for NYU R2. Despite my request they refused to interview me in Israel or over the phone (although I had a good case). I really don't know what to do because I cannot go to London.

    Had I known it would be such a problem for them to interview me in Israel I wouldn't have applied there in the second round. Don't get me wrong – I am very interested in the school, but going abroad this month is not an option.

    If I decline the interview invitation I guess that I would be rejected automatically. That's a shame.

    All the others facing this situation: What do you plan to do?

    מספר הפוסטים: 267

    To: jhammer

    I am a R1 applicant with the same problem and I had a very good reason not to go. I am very disappointed that the school showed very little consideration in the situation. Is this a sign for things to come?

    I have not yet decided what to do, but will need to make a decision by the end of the week.


    מספר הפוסטים: 68

    To: JoeCool

    Hi AZ,

    I am sending you an email


    מספר הפוסטים: 267

    To: jhammer

    מספר הפוסטים: 16

    To: jhammer, JoeCool, Hoffmann, N_Pielet

    My request for alumni/phone interview has been also politely denied.

    Tuff guys from the admission committee. :)

    Hello New York (or maybe London, we'll see) !


    מספר הפוסטים: 267

    To: zalexis

    I got an e-mail today that I was given the last slot in London for next week and that I have to notify them by tomorrow if i will be using it.

    Now I am trying to find a flight to Lonodn that will let me get back the same day. Am I crazy for trying to do this?


    מספר הפוסטים: 1

    To: JoeCool

    I wouldn't do that. 2 years ago I applied to Stern was forced to fly to London in the most inconveinient time for me. I was put in the waiting list until July (This can happen only in Stern!). Today I'm happy and proud to be a Wharton student. I heard similar stories from other people over different periiod of times.

    My lesson for you is Don't go the extra mile for a school to which only yield matters.

    2 Cens

    מספר הפוסטים: 32

    To: JoeCool, All, zalexis

    Following the discussion of the interview location, I talked with the admissions at NYU – here is their view on the subject:

    With regard to interviews, please note that our process is holistic and individualistic. We take time to read and get to know every single applicant. This is why our interviews are mostly conducted in New York. We like for our applicants to come to New York where they have a chance to visit the school, have lunch with a student and participate in a class. It gives the applicants an idea of what to expect while at Stern. Most of the interviews are conducted by trained admissions professionals. They are not blind interviews; the interviewer has thoroughly read through the application and can ask questions to supplement it.

    Every year, we offer off-site interviews in Asia and Europe. We do have a number of Israeli applicants who are going to London next week to interview. Again, the interview will be conducted by an admissions professional.

    We almost never grant phone interviews, unless under extreme circumstances. Getting to know the applicants is a part of the NYU Stern admissions process.

    מספר הפוסטים: 32

    To: All

    I understand the burden of flying while at work to London or NY and believe me that I know that money is also an issue (especially 2 months before graduation when my loans are big 6 figures).
    I think that Stern’s policy actually shows how friendly and committed the school is to create a fun environment with great students. With no offense to alumni (and I will become one soon) – alumni can not conduct interviews with the same seriousness and holistic view as the people in the admissions – the admission professionals interview and admit the whole class and definitely do a better job than a random alumni who might have been trained for this 5 years ago.

    Regarding waiting lists, I know many people (including myself) who were on waiting lists to top schools until July and even August so the data from one of the previous posts is not correct.

    מספר הפוסטים: 267

    To: Hoffmann, All

    I appreciate your input and your attempt to explain the Admissions view of the situation.

    However, considering I already visited the school and that my wife is due to give birth, demanding of me to come to England, and not allow me to interview by phone with a trained admissions professional, seems unreasonable to me. If these are not "extreme circumstances" then I do not know what is!

    One of the many things that attracted me to NYU was the support it gave its students. If this is how they treat the people they are trying to attract then I just can't understand it. Sorry.

    מספר הפוסטים: 32

    To: JoeCool


    It does seem like you have extreme circumstances. I will check how I can help you – email me [email protected] and specify exactly what you told the admissions and other info that is relevant, maybe they did not get the gravity of the situation.


    מספר הפוסטים: 267

    To: Hoffmann


    I appreciate the offer and your good intentions.

    I am sure they understand the situation. The woman from the admissions with whom I correpsonded was very nice about it but basically made it clear there was nothing she can do other than hold on to the London interview spot for me or offer me to interview in NY at my convenience after the birth. Considering I even got ouf of Meluim (and that is a first) because of this situation I would have expected a little more understanding on Stern's part.

    Maybe they don't really like me as an applicant all that much and are therefore willing to see me give up on the process…

    In any event, I need to make my decision today. I'll keep you all posted.



    מספר הפוסטים: 68

    To: JoeCool, Hoffmann

    I had a similar situation as JoeCool. I could not come to London at this time for various reasons, which I stated to the NYU admissions. I got a laconic letter that told me that they decided not to make me a special case (I admit that AZ's case is more serious than mine).

    I had interviews to 5 other schools and they all got some solution to this problem: Interview by alumni, phone interview, and even an interview with an admissions member (The head of admissions actually) – all in Israel. NYU is the only school that required me to go abroad to the interview. And I see that there is no exception to this.

    I'm sorry, but I can't understand why NYU should be different in this from the other top schools.

    מספר הפוסטים: 1

    To: Hoffmann

    אודי שלום,

    שמי תום ואני מתעניין בלימודי MBA בNYU.

    אני יודע שNYU נחשבת לאחת החזקות בתחום הFINANCE, מה לגבי תחום הייעוץ?

    מה הסיכוי שלי בתור ישראלי להתקבל לאחת מחברות הייעוץ המובילות כבוגר של NYU?

    תודה מראש,


    מספר הפוסטים: 32

    To: Tom27


    The major consulting firms come to stern and interview for internships and full time positions. This year, one of the first year Israelis got multiple offers from top consulting companies.

    Let me know if you want more information.



    מספר הפוסטים: 16

    To: Hoffmann, All, N_Pielet

    Hi, Guys.

    Great News (for me) !

    I got accepted to NYU.

    Special thanks to Udi and Neely for having very useful conversations with me during my visit.


    מספר הפוסטים: 20

    To: zalexis

    congrats alex!!

    מספר הפוסטים: 17

    To: zalexis

    Dear Zalexis,

    Mabruk Man! Well Done.

    It's only a first step of a great journey and a huge success!

    Way to go man!

    Keep on doing the good work.

    See you in the states ;-).


    ido chen
    מספר הפוסטים: 7

    To: All

    שלום לכולם

    אני נמצא בניו יורק בשבוע הראשון של מאי וברצוני לבקר בבי"ס למנהל עסקים NYU STERN (מתכוון להתחיל לימודי MBA בספטמבר 2009).

    האם יש עדיין לימודים בתקופה זו? כמו כן איך אני מתאם ביקור?

    תודה מראש


    מספר הפוסטים: 7

    To: ido chen

    שלום עידו,

    הסימסטר מסתיים בשבוע הראשון של מאי (מבחנים מתקיימים בתקופה זו). אני ממליץ ליצור קשר עם ה-admission ולברר איתם לגבי סיורים / הרצאות שמתקיימות בשבוע זה (אם בכלל). אם אתה מעוניין לפגוש סטודנטים ישראלים, תשאיר לי אי מייל ואשמח לעזור.

    יום טוב,


    מספר הפוסטים: 16

    To: All

    Greetings to everybody!!!

    This question is directed mainly to current or post NYU students.

    I need your advice on housing issue, which is very painful in New York.

    I am coming alone, so I am willing to compromise on the size of the appartment. Currently, I prefer studio or 1bdr app – no roommates.

    Can you elaborate on this issue from your own experience ?

    Also On-Campus (Palladium studio app.) vs. Off-Campus housing ?

    How complicated this guarantor procedure for off-campus rent ?

    How high all the extra payments for an appartment, e.g. taxes, electricity and water bills, internet, etc. can get ?

    Thanks a lot.


    מספר הפוסטים: 7

    To: zalexis


    Try the following web sites:


    I think that the On-Campus housing gives a decent solution, but I have never lived there.

    Usually you pay only for electricity and internet/TV, the rest is covered by your monthly rental payment. Total payment for electricity and internet can vary between $150-$200.

    Let me know if you need more assistance.



    מספר הפוסטים: 6

    To: Kaspi

    Hi all

    I am currently in NY and would like to Visit Stern Campus and to meet with current or former Stern Student.

    Is there any Stern student/Alumni participating in this forum that is currently in NY and can meet with me. Alternatively what will be my fastest way to find such students/alumni


    מספר הפוסטים: 7

    To: Ephod

    Hi Gilad,

    I am a first year MBA student at Stern. If you leave me your contact information, I will be able to explain you more about the program and the advantages of studying MBA at Stern.

    Please be advised that Monday (April 30th) will be the last day of class (for the spring semester).



    מספר הפוסטים: 6

    To: Kaspi

    Thanks for the quick response. My Email is [email protected] and my Mobile is 0526006711. I am staying in a hotel in Mid town and plan to come down town tommorrow. Choose your most convenient way for us to communicate.


    מספר הפוסטים: 3

    To: Kaspi

    Hi Amir,

    I am considering applying to NYU's business school and would like to plan a visit to the NY area between June 27 and July 6 of this year.

    Could you please let me know whether there are information sessions during my stay and if you'll have time to answer a couple of questions when I'm there?
    Thanks in advance,

    מספר הפוסטים: 7

    To: moranale

    Hi Moran,

    You can find some useful information at the following link:

    Unfortunately, I will be in California during the summer and will be back in NYC around the end of August, however, I will be happy to answer any question you may have. Just leave me your e-mail and we can chat over the phone.



    מספר הפוסטים: 3

    To: Kaspi

    Hey Amir,

    Thanks for the quick reply – my email is [email protected] and I'd be happy to hear from you.


    מספר הפוסטים: 76

    To: Kaspi


    I am interested in visiting NYU stern when i arrive in NYC this september.

    will it be possible for you to help me with some information regarding the school and the program? i looked in the previous link and saw that formal visits are held till July so i guess its not an option for me..

    please tell me if you can help

    thanks in advance


    מספר הפוסטים: 7

    To: nyaniv

    Hi Yaniv,

    The Fall semester starts on September the 4th. I am sure that the admission office will hold information sessions during the Fall semester, you can also visit a class during that period.

    If you have questions about the program, I will be happy to assist you. You can reach me at amir dot kaspi at stern dot nyu dot edu.



    מספר הפוסטים: 76

    To: Kaspi


    i will be in touch via email closer to my visit and hopefully, closer to the application time.

    thanks again


    מספר הפוסטים: 2

    To: counsilliery

    בשמחה רבה

    שלח לי אימייל ל:

    [email protected]

    אנחנו 7 סטודנטים ישראלים בסטרן בשנה ראשונה ושניים בשנה שנייה. כולנו מאוד נחמדים…

    אני ממליצה לך גם להרשם לביקור רשמי שכולל ארוחת צהריים עם סטודנט והשתתפות בשיעור. (יש סיכוי שהביקורים הרשמיים עד לא התחילו אבל הייתי שולחת בכל מקרה אימייל לאדמישנס ומבררת).


    מספר הפוסטים: 1

    To: All

    אני מבקרת בניו יורק בשבוע הקרוב ורוצה לבקר בקמפוס של NYU.
    אשמח ליצור קשר עם סטודנטים ישראלים.
    מספר הפוסטים: 11

    To: Kaspi, eyam, orit_va

    כספי, אייל, אורית וכל שאר הסטודנטים של סטרן..

    אנחנו מתחילים לארגן את הכנס השנתי של ישראלים בתוכניות MBA בארה"ב (סטודנטים ובוגרים),

    אשמח אם תוכלו ליצור איתי קשר כדי שנוכל לסנכרן את התאריך עם הלו"ז שלכם,




    מספר הפוסטים: 323

    To: eyam

    Current MBA Students Get-together in Tel Aviv on the 27th!

    We are holding this event for all 1st and 2nd year Israeli MBA students from all International programs on December 27th.
    If you are a current student and have not received the official email with all the details – please shoot me an email and I'll get back to you with all the info you need :)

    See ya!
    Limor – [email protected]

    מספר הפוסטים: 2

    To: All

    שלום לכולם,

    שמי דן ואני עומד להגיד מועמדות לסטרן במרס הקרוב.

    אם ישנם סטודנטים הלומדים כרגע בסטרן או בוגרים המוכנים לדבר איתי על הלימודים והתכנית, אשמח ליצור איתם קשר,



    [email protected]

    מספר הפוסטים: 67

    To: Yael RS

    יעל וכל החבר'ה האחרים ב- NYU,

    אני מגיע להתראיין בסטרן בשבוע הבא. אשמח להיפגש עם מישהו מכם לפני הראיון כדי לקבל טיפים לראיון ובכלל להתרשם אישית ממה שיש לבי"ס להציע.



    מספר הפוסטים: 14
    Hi all,
    I am interested in applying during the first round, for MBA studies that start on August/September 2010 and would be glad to learn more about NYU's full time MBA program.
    I plan to visit New York between April 6th (evening) and the 8h. If possible at all, it would be very helpful if I could get the following questions cleared up:

    • Aside from touring the facilities and taking into account that I would be devoting my entire stay for such campus visit, what would be the best way to utilizes this visit?
    • Who should I contact prior to such visit?
    • Is there anything else that should be done during my visit that may promot my application?

    Many thanks for all the help,

    Yuval Gat

    מספר הפוסטים: 7

    To: Plan

    HI to all,

    My name is yuval and I am interested in applying to one of the top MBA programs for 2010.

    I will be visiting in NY for Passover and I am planning on visiting the campus around the 15-20 of April.

    I will be really happy and grateful to meet one of the current students and hear all about the experience.

    thanks and a happy Passover


מוצגות 50 תגובות – 51 עד 100 (מתוך 150 סה״כ)
  • יש להתחבר למערכת על מנת להגיב.